Saturday, October 30, 2010


Yes two posts in one day. I was looking at old pics on facebook and decided to do a post showing my Halloween costumes in the past year. I love love Halloween. I love carving pumpkins, reading scary stories and watching scary movies. I never went out for Halloween much in college, only once my senior year and then when I worked for the Police dept the city I worked in threw a huge party for all Fire Dept, Police Dept and Dr's and Nurses in the city. It was always a lot of fun.
And I did take ample opportunity to dress as sexy as possible on Halloween!!

So here is a look back
Halloween 2006-Senior year of college

Work Party 2007

House Party that my friend and I threw

I would do anything to be that skinny again. Hello abs please come back. Oh and this is the first pic the hubs ever saw of me!!

Work Party 2008
This was during our first deployment and I had packed on some massive weight due to stress. It was horrible. I look back \at these pics and cringe

Halloween party 2009- Party at a friends house

2nd Halloween Party of the year

The hubs was actually home for this party so we were finally able to celebrate our first Halloween together

This year however there will be no costumes. The hubs has to work so I'm heading over to a friends house to pass out candy in her neighborhood and have a Saw movie marathon!!


  1. Love the costumes! I went out for Halloween twice during college, coincidentally the first two years of it. The latter was spent studying in nursing school.

    This is hubby and I's first Halloween together, too, but we're not dressing up. Maybe next year. I have to work tomorrow, so I'm not terribly excited about it. Instead, we're going out to dinner and a movie with some friends.

    Have fun at your friend's house!

  2. Great costumes! I love dressing up for Halloween! I am not dressing up this year though, im letting my son steal the show since its his first Halloween!

    I left you an award over at my blog! :)

    Have a great time handing out candy!

  3. I love all your costumes!!! I wish I dressed up more often
