Friday, October 18, 2013

The Day You Were Born


1 year ago today I was anxiously and nervously awaiting your arrival. My hospital bag had been packed for weeks, and your welcome home outfit carefully selected. 
A few days before you were due, I treated myself to a pedicure and painted my toes blue in your honor
The day I was to meet you, I got up at 3:30am. Showered, dressed and called Labor and delivery to find out what time to arrive at the hospital. I already knew you would be coming via c-section and was just waiting to get our surgery  time.
Due to an emergency I would have to report later than expected. My nerves kicked in. I walked into your sister's room, pulled her into my arms and as I rocked her I cried knowing that today all of our lives would change forever.
Finally it was time to leave for the hospital. I prayed the whole way for a safe and healthy delivery for us both. 
As we got out of the car and walked into the hospital I started shaking and my heart started pounding.
After we checked into L&D they directed us to room 3. The same room we stayed in when your sister was born 15 months before. I knew then that everything would be ok
I changed into my hospital gown and while we waited to get things started I lovingly placed my hands on my belly and felt every last move and kick you made. Even now a year later I still miss the feeling of you move in my belly
I felt at ease listening to the strong and steady sound of your heartbeat over the monitors and I watched the machine record every contraction I had.
Then it was time to go. I walked into the OR, got sedated, got sick and waited for your dad to enter the room and for the surgery to begin
I stared at the clock, waiting for them to announce your arrival. And before I knew it you were here, letting out a loud and angry cry to announce your arrival. It was the best sound in the entire world.
After they cleaned you up and brought you over to me I was finally able to gaze upon your face for the first time.
It was love at first sight. You were beautiful and you were mine. My son
You had dark hair which is in sharp contrast to your beach blonde hair now and
Your features were so perfect and  little.You looked so much like your daddy
You went into the room with your dad while I had to wait in recovery
My arms ached to hold you and finally it was time for you to be placed in my arms
Holding you there, for the first time I gave thanks to God for the gift that was you.
Life was perfect
You nursed with no problem and slept most of that first day. Friends and family came to visit and those two days with you in the hospital went by in a blissful blur. Some days I wish we could go back to those quite, peaceful days in the hospital

A year later, as we get ready to celebrate you and the wonderful year that it has been, I love you more than the day you were born. You are amazing in each and every way. I am so blessed to be your mom
I love you to the moon and back

And on a less serious note, Mommy's favorite holiday is Halloween so it was quite fitting that you were born the same day that ABC Family starts there 13 nights of Halloween movies on tv. You and I spent your first night on earth cuddled up in bed watching my favorite movies. Family Adams Values, Nightmare before Christmas, Coraline and Hocus Pocus

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet post, Katie! He is such a lucky little boy.
