Thursday, November 14, 2013

Help.. I'm addicted to my phone

I have to admit I am addicted to my cellphone. As soon as I wake up in the morning I log onto instagram, facebook, pinterest and bloglovin. And as the kids get ready for their day or play before me in the living room I'm usually lounging on the couch surfing all my social media sites on my phone.

Sure I am present but I am not fully engaged in what they are doing. And when I get engaged the phone comes with me of course. I need it handy to snap pictures of the fun things that we are doing. Which of course will immediately be uploaded to the above social media sites.

I saw this video going around onf acebook and had to post it. I am guilty of doing all of these things. Sitting on my phone while talking with a friend, looking at pinterest and instagram while watching my kids play, taking pictures on my phone of every little moment that occurs instead of truly being present. This was a huge eye opener

The part that got to me the most is the shot of the pre-teen swinging on the swings sitting on her phone. Gianna already asks to use my phone all the time. I do not want to be that disconnected family around the dinner table where no one talks and instead everyone sits on their own personal phone or tablet

I need to really start leaving my phone on the counter or in my purse and be fully present in the moment. The hubs and I are terrible about this. The kids go to bed and we sit on opposite couches, on our phones ignoring each other. If we are in therapy 25 years from now because we have totally disconnected with each other it will probably be because of our dang phones!

One blog that I love in regards to this is the Hands Free Mama. Click here to visit her site. You won't regret it
Her book is also coming out soon and I can't wait to read it

Excerpt from Amazon
'Rachel Macy Stafford's post 'The Day I Stopped Saying Hurry Up' was a true phenomenon on The Huffington Post, igniting countless conversations online and off about freeing ourselves from the vicious cycle of keeping up with our overstuffed agendas. Hands Free Mama has the power to keep that conversation going and remind us that we must not let our lives pass us by.' --Arianna Huffington, Chair, President, and Editor-in-Chief of the Huffington Post Media Group,

I so needed to see the above video. I need to put my phone down and leave it in it's place. Or at the very least delete all social media apps from my phone. My computer is left in our guest room and the only time i log onto it is to blog. Maybe if the sites are deleted from my phone I won't be so interested in checking them all the time.

Although I love instagram. To me that doesn't really count as social media!

Are any of you addicted to your phones, or the social media apps on your phone? What are your thoughts in regards to leading more of a hands free life? How do you balance social media in relation to family time, etc, etc


  1. I actually stopped taking my phone has been so freeing!

  2. OH MY GOSH... i need CELLPHONES ANONYMOUS! I too LOVE Instagram, my FB feed (although lately its annoys me more and more) snapchat and the camera on my phone. can't live without it.
