Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Relaxing Weekend at the Beach

I snapped this pic as we drove over the bridge from Fort Walton to Destin. The water is amazing!
This past Friday we finally finished the house. Well the hubby finally finished painting the house. Then we were able to hang up all of our pictures and the house now feels like home! I'm so glad the house is finished and the hubs still has two weeks left off of work! We still need to get a few decor type items for our bedroom and living room but those can wait!

Saturday and Sunday we spent a relaxing few days at the beach. But what is it about us that attracts the weirdo's at the beach. I will give you a few examples. 1. The day after our wedding in Key West, hubs and I went to the beach. As it was still April it wasn't very busy. Yet this 70 year old man in a purple thong had to come and lay face down in front of us. We didn't stay long!

2. Our honeymoon in the Punta Cana. A family of four came and sat next to us on the beach. The girl was about 13 and as she took off her swimsuit cover up she was in a thong. To make things worse this girl started posing in gymnast like poses, the splits, leg over her head while her mom snapped pictures. This girl later entered the Miss Punta Cana competition the resort hosted and she pranced around in her thong. Let's just say they were the talk of the resort that whole week

3. Our first day at the beach here in Destin. A middle aged lesbian couple came and sat down right next to us. Then they proceeded to read aloud to each other pages from Chelsea Handler's new book. This prompted them to engage in the discussion of how many women have you slept with. Have you ever slept with a man. (Apparently your not a real lesbian if you've slept with a man) according to these women. The final question started an argument when the one asked the other if she had ever been pregnant. When she replied no the other became upset and accused her of lying. This escalated into an argument. So we left. When relaxing on the beach I don't want to hear a straight couple, let alone a lesbian couple have the sexual history chat. Some things should be kept to themselves

4. This past weekend luckily we didn't have any weird instances. Though one thing that annoys me at the beach is when people fish right where everyone is swimming. As a kid I got a fish hook stuck in the palm of my hand due to a careless fisherman so I'm always paranoid about loose fishing lures around. And do I need to mention that fishing in a crowd of people is what draws sharks to the area. Doesn't anyone watch Shark week on national geographic! I do tend to have a fear of the ocean and only go in up to my waist. I'm slowly trying to overcome that since now I live near the ocean but it's slow going

Anyway I think I spent too much time on the beach this weekend because when we left Sunday I was really dizzy and felt hot. That feeling lasted all night. So from now on I think I need to spend more time in the water cooling off or drinking more water.

We finished up the weekend yesterday by going over to our new neighbor's for a bbq. They are so nice and friendly and it always helps when you get along with your neighbors

Hope everyone had a great weekend a good start to the week

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

These pictures were taken in front of the Special Operations Museum in Fayetteville, NC on the first Memorial day the hubs and I spent together shortly after he returned home from a 9 month deployment in 2009.
Each flag represents a soldier who was killed in action or for veterans who had served in wars in the past. We went to purchase one for my great uncle and the flags were already sold out for the following year. I thought that was amazing that these solider's were being honored and remembered in this way

The metal structure in this picture is actually a part of one of the twin tower's. It always makes me pause and catches my eye when I have gone to the museum

Growing up we spent Memorial Day visiting my great uncle who lived in a veterans home in northern Wisconsin. Walking through the halls of that home/hospital was a constant reminder of what these men and women have sacrificed.

Now with my husband serving in the military Memorial Day means that much more. I am beyond grateful, proud and impressed with how brave and honorable my husband and our friends our. They put their lives on the line, spend months, even years away from their families and friends and rarely get the credit they deserve. This morning the movie Taking Chance was on. A hbo special starring Kevin Bacon about a Lt who escorts a body of a marine home to his family. The hubs and I were both in tears, he was remembering friends lost and I for the sacrifice many soldier's have made.

This weekend I was also struck by the fact of how appreciative our new home is to the military. We ordered a pizza from a local place in town and the cardboard box read Supporting Our Troops, driving the 30 minutes to Destin we noticed signs and billboards everywhere, all over local businesses thanking the troops for their service. Whenever we've gone someplace in town we are asked if we are part of the new unit moving in. When we respond yes everyone thanks and welcomes the hubs to the area. It always brings me to tears. Many of the condo's, hotel's and houses along the beach in Destin had flags draped over their balconies. It made me so proud to be the wife of a soldier.

So today as we all go out and enjoy the beach, or cook out's with family and friends let us stop, remember and give thanks to all those who have served, past and present, to all those who have paid the ultimate price and for their families


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Apartment Living

When I first moved to NC I didn't really research apartments. The hubs had been stationed there for 6 years before I entered the picture and although he knew the area he had been deployed so much the longest time there was usually 3 month intervals. So he just found apartments to stay at random. He was still deployed when I searched for apartments for us and my only requirement was that they allowed dogs. I found ones that did and that was final.

Our first complex was poorly run. There were constant break ins and they refused to do something about the fact that non residents would come and use the pool, gym, laundry facilities and bball courts. Instead of hiring a guard or requiring passes for these conveniences they closed them to the residents. So we knew we wanted to move but needed to wait till our year lease was up.

In the middle of July, during the hottest weekend we woke up one Saturday morning to no air and no power. We called management who did not come until Sunday even though we called repeatedly and were told maintenance would be there shortly. When they finally came they said it would be Monday before the air was fixed. We have two dogs who they told to keep in one room so the dogs wouldn't bother them when they came to fix it. By Wednesday the air still wasn't fixed and it was 110 degrees in our apartment. We continued to call and were told it would be fixed shortly. Well unfortunately before it was fixed one of the dogs got sick of being locked in a hot room every day and chewed a hole in the carpet. Of course despite our security deposit, pet deposit and pet fee we were still charged 1600 bucks when we moved out. Though to be fair it was our dog that ruined the carpet

Onto our new apartment. It was in a gated community, only a year old and cable, electricity were all included in the rent. They allotted you a certain amour based on the complexes average of usage for the month and if you went over you had to pay extra. We always owed extra but didn't mind since it was convenient only writing out one bill per month instead of multiple checks to various places.

We had no problems living in this community and you can bet the dogs were watched at all times and kenneled when we were not home as to avoid another carpet incident.

Part of the requirements as tenants was that we were responsible to get the carpets professionally cleaned upon move out. When we renewed our year lease in November we received a free carpet cleaning from Stanley steamer to be used at any time. We knew we'd be moving soon and waited to use it until then. In December the complex changed management companies but we did not have to sign a new lease.

In march when I gave our 60 move out notice I asked to schedule the carpet cleaning. They said I didn't have to worry about that since the carpet would be replaced upon move out per the new managements policy. Score

When the hubs returned in April and provided them with copy of his orders, he again Inquired about the carpets and was told they would be replaced.

I checked in with the office a few days before we moved out to see what we would owe for the first two days in may and our electric bill. She said they would come do the wall through with us the morning we moved out and let us know what we owed if there were any damages and then we needed to settle everything up in the office

So the morning of the second I called for our walk through. Management told me they'd do the walk through after we left. That they quickly had to get in and start cleaning because the new tenants were moving in may 4th. We stopped at the office, paid the two days rent and electricity bill and were on our way

My old friend and neighbor said the new tenants moved in on the fourth and since we heard nothing from
The apartments assumed we were good to go. Until this week when we received an invoice from them for 700 dollars. They charged us for carpet replacement and a late fee. So we called and asked why we were being charged a carpet replacement fee when they told us it would be replaced anyway. They then tried to backtrack and day they never told us that and thy the carpets smelled of urine. Now I'll admit when the dogs ruined a carpet but peed on them. They are both out of that stage and I honestly can't remember when they had an accident. When I also asked why our non refundable pet deposit of 600 bucks wouldn't cover that they told us that that fee only guaranteed us that Theroux could live there. Excuse me? How crazy is that.

Then when I inquired about the layered she said it was because we didn't pay our rent and electric bill. I pointed out that on the invoice she sent it clearly showed the check I wrote out for what we owed. So she backtracked some more and said she had forgotten about that and would waive the late fee but also added we owed 30 more dollars for the electricity. She said they didn't get the final bill until may 10th so we needed to add that on to the carpet total. Since that wasn't on the invoice told her
she could send us out a new bill with the correct amount we owed. And get this we only have ten days to pay.

What bothers me most is the sketchy way they handled everything. You tell us you are going todo a walk through with us upon moving out and then say it will be done after. Again we were told the carpet would be replaced and then we receive a bill, a bill which wasn't even dated until the 19th.17 days after we moved out. 15 days after the new tenants moved in. Are we getting billed for their damages? This just drives me insane. Why do apartments always screw you. And with closing on our house in a week I'm
Not paying for something they waited for so long to send out. Theycan wait.
Ugh end rant! Hope everyone had a great weekend

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Seriously Thursday

I am so excited to participate in another Seriously Thursday! Last week's was so much fun! So head on over to From Mrs to Mama and link up.

1. Seriously...Have any of you been following the Casey Anthony trial? I think that girl is a awful human being. Her latest stunt, blaming her dad and brother for sexually abusing her and then saying that that was why she didn't come forward about her daughter's disappearance or death, is insane. And if her daughter drowned in the pool why did she need to be duck taped. I wander how the defense is going to prove the sexual assault since she never came forward with it. It's just going to be her against her dad. They won't have any evidence to really back up the claims unless someone comes forward providing some sort of proof. What I think is sad is that the night Kaley supposedly drowned in the swimming pool, there is a video of Casey and her boyfriend at blockbuster. He even said she seemed happy and in a good mood. No remorse shown whatsoever. Seriously

2. Seriously...Could Kate Middleton be getting any skinnier. I saw the pics of her greeting the Obama's and holy cow, she seems to have shrunk since the wedding. She is such a gorgeous girl I only hope she doesn't get any thinner!

3. Seriously... Why does certain baby things have to be so expensive! The only thing left on my baby list is a baby carrier. And this is one thing the hubs really wants! We had registered for the Baby Bjorn but I hear the Ergo baby carrier's are better. I can't decide which one to get. Seriously!

4. Seriously... We have been living in Florida for three weeks now! Where has that time gone. We only have one more room left to paint, the nursery is pretty much complete and our new furniture is in. I just can't believe we are officially florida residents

5. Seriously... The mobile I purchased for Lovebug's room doesn't fit on the crib. And wouldn't you know it, the nearest Babies r us is in Alabama. I don't really feel like making a 3 hour drive just to exchange her mobile. Seriously

6. Seriously...I'm getting my hair did today. Via box dye by Feria. I've been trying to get back to my natural color but every time I get it done it's way off from what I asked for. I even always bring in pictures. So today I'm going to dye it back to my natural brown color. I found a shade that appeared close so let's hope it turns out

7. Seriously... Could the housewives of OC be any crazier. I mean these are women in there 30's and 40's. They act even cattier than I did back in high school. Vicki and Tamara are def the mean girls. I would be so embarassed if Tamara was my mom. The way she acts on tv is awful. Seriously

8.Seriously...I am so excited for the start of So You Think you Can Dance. I love that show. And it starts tonight! Woohoo

Alright I guess that's all. I am off to box dye my hair! Hope it turns out

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

30 weeks and sneak peek of the nursery

How far along: 30 Weeks! Only 10 more to go. I can't believe it

Total weight gain: 16 lbs

Size and growth of the baby: Here's my Update from Baby Center.Com
Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)

Maternity clothes: All the time though I usually just throw on my comfy maxi dresses. Finding a swimsuit to wear has been torture. I think I scared everyone away at the beach this weekend

Sleep: I now take naps daily although I still wake up early every morning. I usually get up once a night to use the bathroom and finding a comfortable position in bed or even rolling over has become a hassle!

Best moment(s) of the week: Getting her nursery started. Of course I ordered a ton of stuff off etsy to decorate her room with that I'm still waiting on. I can't wait until it's finished. My mom and I also went shopping and picked up the remaining things off my baby list. Thanks to all you fabulous ladies for your suggestions

Food cravings/aversions: No aversions. Still craving sweets and now if I don't eat at least every 2-3 hours I am a crab! Well who am I kidding. This week my mood swings have been crazy. I feel bad for my mom and the hubs

Morning sickness: None thankfully!

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks. They have been so bad lately they take my breath away.

Labor signs: None besides the braxton hicks

Belly button in or out: Still flat though one end seems to poke out a bit which makes my belly button look lopsided

What I miss: Being able to lay or sit still for more than 5 minutes. I'm always fidgeting and trying to get comfortable.

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the nursery!

Here are the belly pics. Don't be scared by the image of my in my swimsuit

And to end this post I will give you a little sneak peek of the nursery



30 week bumpdate and nursery sneak peek

How far along: 30 Weeks! Only 10 more to go. I can't believe it

Total weight gain: 16 lbs

Size and growth of the baby: Here's my Update from Baby Center.Com
Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)

Maternity clothes: All the time though I usually just throw on my comfy maxi dresses. Finding a swimsuit to wear has been torture. I think I scared everyone away at the beach this weekend

Sleep: I now take naps daily although I still wake up early every morning. I usually get up once a night to use the bathroom and finding a comfortable position in bed or even rolling over has become a hassle!

Best moment(s) of the week: Getting her nursery started. Of course I ordered a ton of stuff off etsy to decorate her room with that I'm still waiting on. I can't wait until it's finished. My mom and I also went shopping and picked up the remaining things off my baby list. Thanks to all you fabulous ladies for your suggestions

Food cravings/aversions: No aversions. Still craving sweets and now if I don't eat at least every 2-3 hours I am a crab! Well who am I kidding. This week my mood swings have been crazy. I feel bad for my mom and the hubs

Morning sickness: None thankfully!

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks. They have been so bad lately they take my breath away.

Labor signs: None besides the braxton hicks

Belly button in or out: Still flat though one end seems to poke out a bit which makes my belly button look lopsided

What I miss: Being able to lay or sit still for more than 5 minutes. I'm always fidgeting and trying to get comfortable.

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the nursery!

Here are the belly pics. Don't be scared by the image of my in my swimsuit

And to end this post I will give you a little sneak peek of the nursery



Friday, May 20, 2011

The Rapture

Not gonna lie, all this talk about the world coming to an end is starting to creep me out!

As a Christian I was taught no one will know the exact time and date of Gods second coming.

I know a lot of the stuff people are posting on twitter are poking fun at the talk of the rapture but it still creeps me out!

Any thoughts or opinions?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, May 19, 2011


One of my favorite bloggers who write over at From Mrs. to Mama is hosting a link up today and I just had to participate. There were many things that happened this week that made me go Seriously! So if you want to join in the fun click http://www.frommrstomama.com/

1. Seriously... I got called an idiot at target today. Mom and I were in the breast pump aisle deciding on which one to choose. I had the cart over on one side of the aisle and we were standing to the side of it. There was plenty of room for another cart to get past us. Some woman pushes her cart over to the end of the asile and I thought started talking to the two kids in the cart. Nope she was talking me to and asking what moron blocks the aisle. Then she walked away and entered the aisle from the opposite direction, calling me an idiot before walking away. I just laughed. We were in no way blocking the aisle, she wanted the nursery water which was down the opposite end of the breast pumps, so again we were not in her way. And hasn't anyone heard of a simple excuse me. Some people. Seriously

2. Seriously...What is it about funeral's and deaths in families that bring about family feuds. My mom and her sister have never gotten along. Even as kids. My aunt designated herself in charge of the photo board at my grandma's funeral. I emailed her all the pics I had with my grandma and my mom gave her a huge stack of pics. Mom wasn't on the photo board at all, and my brother and I were in one pic. The rest were of her family. It's not like my family never did anything with my grandma or that we lived far away. On the contrary Mom was always over at grandma's cleaning or running errands for her and we still celebrated every family holiday together. What is even funnier is that my aunt seems to think that everything worth possessing of my grandma's belongs to her and my cousin. For example I have always loved these pictures my grandma had in her living room. From a kid on I loved them. Grandma always said they would be mine some day. She even told my aunt that. Well my aunt says I can have the pictures but she wants the frames they are in. The pictures look cool because of the frame. They are gold, vintage frames and the pictures are matted to them. So apparently I'll get ruined pictures once my aunt rips them from the frame. Seriously

3. Seriously... I love being a homeowner but it really drains the bank account! WE have spent money on nothing other than paint, paint supplies, groceries and household necessities this past week. Seriously! Although I wouldn't have it any other way. I love our home!

4. Seriously... I bought these super cute decals for Gianna's room and now the hubs says I can't hang them because they would ruin his paint job. Ugh

5. Seriously...I can't believe we have 2.5 more months until Gianna makes an appearance. The time is flying by.

That's pretty much all I can think of right now. So be sure to head on over to From Mrs. to Mama and link up!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Baby Monitors-Video,Sound and SIDS

Mom is in town and we are off tomorrow to pick up the rest of the baby gear. Thanks ladies for all your awesome suggestions! Y'all are the best! And I have another question for everyone.WE received some baby monitor's from our shower. The regular sound monitor's we had registered for. However I was also looking to purchase another monitor and cant decide what to get. I've heard great things about the angel care monitor's which are the movement and sound monitor's. They also carry the video, sound and movement monitor in that brand but I can't find that anywhere to purchase. I heard the snuza's are great too but I can't decide if I should get just a movement monitor or a video monitor or an all in one. I've also heard that other people can hack into the video monitor and watch your baby.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

All that is Baby

The hubs painted Gianna's nursery yesterday. We picked a soft shade of pink. I believe the hubs response after painting it was.. Wow I can't believe I'm painting a room pink! It somehow makes things seem more real now that her room is painted. We have her pack n play/bassinett set up in our room and one of her swings set up in the living room. We have been turning it on every night so the dogs can get used to it!My dogs are afraid of anything that moves so we need to start getting them adjusted to baby things now!

Friday we are having new carpet installed in Lovebug's room and then hopefully Friday night we can set up all her furniture. I've been searching for room decor on Etsy and am trying to decide how I want to set her room up

My mom comes into town tomorrow and then on Thursday, while the hubs starts painting the living room Mom and I are off to get some last minute baby essentials.

Our only options here in town are Target and Walmart. There is no Babies R Us, Buy buy baby or USA baby anywhere within a three hour radius.

So I ask for your help on what essentials are a must but.

Here is my list of what we need

Mattress-Any specific brand we should look for or stay away from?
Breast Pump-Again any brand which works better than others
Bumbo chair
Crib sheets
Diapers-although I'm not sure whether to buy newborn sizes or the next size up
Lamp for the nursery
Hamper for the nursery
crib sheets
moby wrap
dreft- Did you moms out there wash the clothes and blankets only once in dreft before putting them away or did you wash them multiple times? I've read differing opinions on that
play mat
Angel Care Monitor

We are def good on clothes, burb cloths, receiving blankets, blankets, rattles and bottles. WE also have baby monitors and a diaper pail

I can't think of anything else we should get!
Any advice would be appreciated


Monday, May 16, 2011

Guardian Angel-A tribute to my Grandma

Gianna has one more guardian angel up in heaven. My sweet Grandma passed away this past Friday. While I'm sad she's gone I am also relieved. I hate to see people suffer. My Grandma has always had a lot of health problems. This woman has survived 5 heart attacks, 3 open heart surgeries and a few other heart procedures. A few years ago after her last heart procedure, she signed the Do Not Resuscitate order. She did not want to go through this all again. Nor did she ever want to be put in a nursing home, assisted living or a hospice. She wanted to die in her own home. When she was placed in the hospice, she was still conscious and agreed to go. She was in so much pain she knew it was her best option. They had thought they could get her pain under control and then send her back home to spend her last few days.

She was placed into a hospice on Thursday May 5th and by that Tuesday she was unresponsive. By Thursday May 12th her breathing changed and the end was near. That night mom held up the phone to Grandma's ear for me to say goodbye. Friday morning she was gone. Like I said I am grateful and glad that her suffering is over and that she is in a much better place. What makes me happiest is the fact that she is now reunited with my grandpa, who she loved greatly.

I think Grandma lost her will to live when my Grandpa passed away in October of 2007. He died very suddenly and unexpectedly and we were all hit very hard. Seeing him in the hospital talking one day and then wilting away for two weeks before passing was heartbreaking. Grandma was devestated. This was a man with minor health problems, gone before we knew it. And you talk about a couple who meant everything to each other. Grandpa did everything for Grandma. All the cooking, cleaning, driving, etc. Don't get me wrong. My grandpa had to retire early due to a work related injury and when that happened my grandma went to work to support him and the kids. But as they were older my Gramps did everything for her and she was lost without him. This past summer when I came to visit we looked through photo albums of her and my grandpa. Talking about him still brought tears to her eye and to this day she still wore his wedding ring around his neck.

These two were such a fun loving couple. When my parent's were growing up they threw fun costume parties, had family get togethers all the time and were amazing grandparent's to my brother and I. They spoiled us rotten. I am so lucky to have had both of them in my life. And heartbroken that they are gone. I am sad Gianna will never get a chance to meet either of them. But I know they are reunited and looking down on her and I.

Tomorrow will be the month mark since I last saw my Grandma. I'm so glad we had that time together. She made it to my baby shower and I made sure to visit her the day before I headed back to NC. We talked about the audio book she was listening to on her audio recorder and how the people in her apartment community were getting together to play WII bowling. Something she used to do before her eyesight got bad. Although she looked better than she had been, somehow I knew this would be the last time I saw her. I remember wandering around her apartment fighting back tears as this wave of sadness overcame me. I had to give her multiple hugs and kissed before leaving as if to say goodbye and to show her how much I loved her. I never thought it would happen this fast. I talked to her a week before she ended up in the hospice and she sounded fine. Better than fine. But now she's gone.

She knew too that she would never see Gianna. She used to tell my mom she would see her from heaven and when she started to get sick in February she said she wanted to at least make it to my baby shower. She did make it and her gift to Gianna was a beautiful handmade beaded cross. She had her neighbor make this pink and white cross for Gianna's room. It is something I will always treasure. I am so grateful to have such an amazing remembrance of my grandma. I will be placing that above Gianna's crib and telling her all about her great grandma, her guardian angel who loved her so much already.

Tomorrow is also my Grandma's funeral. I am not able to make it home. Ticket prices were beyond crazy and my parent's said Grandma would never want me to fly this far along in my pregnancy. So while I know I will always feel guilty about not being there, regret not spending more time with her in the past and hate having lived so far away from her for the last 3 years, I am glad that I will have positive memories of her to remember herself by. I can hear her now, once she knew it was me on the phone answering with her usual Hello Dolly, how are you? Something in which I never hope to forget.
To my Grandma, I love you so much and miss you terribly. But give Gramps a hug and kiss for me and be sure to look in on us from time to time.

Here are some pics of my Grandma and I
At my cousin's wedding-October 2007-right before we lost Grandpa

Grandma and I at my wedding shower-April 2008

Grandma and our wedding April 2008

Another wedding pic

Visiting Grandma this summer-August 2010

My absolute favorite

This post was so hard to write. Thanks again everyone for all your kind words and prayers. Remember life is short so call someone you haven't talked to in awhile, give those you love a hug and a kiss and live life to the fullest. DOn't take those around you for granted


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Summer Essentials!

The hubs and I are off to the beach tomm and I realize I'm in the need for the perfect beach tote. I love this bag from J Crew

Unfortunately after spending all morning searching online for it I still can't find it anywhere! There is no J Crew here in town so if anyone knows where I can get one of these bags, let me know!!

Anyway my usual summer essentials include

The perfect Maxi dress.. Especially now being 7 months pregnant. So comfortable

The perfect pair of sunglasses.
Last year I purchased my first pair of Ray Bans. I love love them!

Of course to hit up the beach you need the perfect swimsuit. I usually hit up Victoria Secrets for mine. They have so many prints, colors and styles to choose from

If I wasn't 7 months pregnant I'd be rocking a suit like this. However I purchased a plain suit from target in a size I never thought I'd wear. But oh well. Come tomm I will be proudly displaying my bump on the beach!

And of course a great pair of flip flops. I love my rainbows! So comfortable. But when I go out at night I love to put on a pair of wedge sandals

And I love these strappy gladiator sandals but since my legs are really short they don't look so cute on me.

What are some of your favorite summer essentials? And remember if anyone knows where I can find that J Crew tote let me know!!!


Friday, May 13, 2011

Lady Gaga

So it's 1030 on a Friday night and I just finished mopping the floor. Not once but three times! I think I'm nesting. The hubs is in the nursery priming all the walls so I finally sat down and turned on the tv. Not much is on but I did find the Lady Gaga hbo special.

Now I love this chicks music. But I must admit she is very weird. Maybe I'm a little to old for her craziness but to me she's a tad bizarre

And I find her a walking contradiction. Again I admit I have all her albums and love her music so I'm not totally bashing her. I just find it odd her take on things. I've seen countless tv interviews with her and when asked by different people what the meanings are behind certain songs she always gives a different answer. I've heard two different meanings for poker face and two for the song she sang at the Grammys with Elton John last year

Then during this special she compares her fans to being her religion and also points to a male dancer and tells the crowd he likes boys and girls. He loves erryone just like Jesus. I'm sorry but to me you just don't compare someone's sexual preference to Jesus.

And she also states she doesn't lip sync. She clearly is!! She just makes me laugh

Don't y'all love this completely random post! My pregnancy hormones are kicking in and after a rough day I had to vent. Sorry Gaga!

Anyway happy Friday y'all. Have a great weekend

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, May 12, 2011

28 weeks and name reveal

I'll start off with the big name reveal

The hubs and I are anxiously awaiting the arrival of...

We have had this name picked out since before the positive lines appeared on my pregnancy test. Last year, when the hubs was deployed was when we made the decision to try for a baby after he came back. So naturally I threw myself into baby mode and started researching names. My family has the tradition of the females passing down the middle name Ann. While I love that I decided to end that tradition and incorporate Ann into the first name. I like Liliana, Gianna and Brianna. Then when researching Irish/Italian names which is the hubs heritage I kept seeing Gianna over and over. Out of all the names I liked, Gianna was the hubs pick. So that's how we came up with her first name. I looked up the meaning a few weeks ago and it means God is Gracious. How completely true and perfect!

The middle name was something we could not agree on. I wanted Grace but the hubs refused. His niece's middle name is Grace and he did not want to use that. We literally went through every other name and the hubs turned them all down. He doesn't have a middle name and didn't understand why she needed one. His argument for every middle name was that someone else he knew had that name as well. Finally when I looked back at our list of names we had picked out for a girl, I suggested Isabelle. I had really wanted that to be Lovebug's first name but M liked Gianna better. So I said Isabelle for the middle name and surprise surprise he agreed! So Gianna Isabelle it is! Isabelle means God's promise.

Now for my 28 week update
How far along: 28 Weeks.

Total weight gain: Last week I was up 17 pounds but this week I'm up 12. I've lost five pounds since moving. I think this has less to do with me watching what I'm eating and more to do with the fact that the whole week before we moved and a few days after we were eating out since all our kitchen stuff was packed

Size and growth of the baby: Heres my Update from Baby Center.Com
By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.
Sex: Little Angel.

Maternity clothes: I can barely squeeze into my shorts from last summer which I pair with a maternity tank or just put on a dress. Swimsuit shopping 28 weeks pregnant was quite fun but I do still plan on rocking a bikini when we hit up the beach this weekend

Sleep: Until the last few days I was sleeping fine. Now I can't sleep at all. No matter what position I lay in my legs get restless and feel crampy. So I'm up all night tossing and turning. I also keep the hubs up all night too so this morning I woke up to a grouch! I did read on babycenter that I have what they call RLS.Here is the def of that from baby center
Around this time, some women feel an unpleasant "creepy-crawly" sensation in their lower legs and an irresistible urge to move them while trying to relax or sleep. If this sensation is at least temporarily relieved when you move, you may have what's known as restless legs syndrome (RLS). No one knows for sure what causes RLS, but it's relatively common among expectant mothers. Try stretching or massaging your legs, and cut down on caffeine, which can make the symptoms worse. Ask your caregiver if you should try iron supplements, which can sometimes relieve RLS.

Best moment(s) of the week: Feeling her move. I can lay around all day and just watch my stomach bounce or feel her kick. The hubs just finished painting the master bedroom and the nursery is next so hopefully by the weekend we can finally start setting up her things

Food cravings/aversions: No aversions. Baby still craves sweet things all the time. Luckily that has carried over into craving for watermelon rather than ice cream. Though yesterday I did have both!

Morning sickness: I got sick one morning this week but other than that thankfully that has disappeared.

Symptoms: RLS, Braxton Hicks,

Labor signs: None thankfully

Belly button in or out: It is now a flattie! Hopefully it won't become an outie

What I miss: Being comfortable when sleeping

What I'm looking forward to: Setting up the nursery and receiving all the headbands I purchased off etsy for lovebug in the mail. Ohh and the udder cover and baby sling I ordered yesterday


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Udder Covers and Baby Slings

Those that know me know that I've never been one to coupon, price compare or wait until something goes on sale before purchasing. If I wanted something I bought it. However since getting pregnant and now with the move and baby coming before we know it I've really been trying to cut back on our costs. I started price comparing brands at the grocery store or buying the store brand vs brand name items. And I now refuse to buy anything that's not on sale.

The hubs and I ran to the mall yesterday in Destin and didn't buy a thing. We joked that in the past I would not have blinked an eye by going to the Coach store and buying myself a purse. And while we laughed at that we both agree that with a list off baby items needing to be purchased and tons of stuff needed for the new house, shopping trips will be few and far between

When we arrived at our house we found out that there were quite a bit of repairs to be done. The seller's refused to do them even though our contract said it was their responsibility and our loan company refuses to release the money until the repairs are complete. So we bit the bullet and said we would take care of the repairs themselves. The repairs consist of new carpet in one bedroom, a new lock for the gate and a stump that needed to be removed. Easily fixable but things we would have preferred to have taken care of at a later date. Instead they all need to be done by the end of this week. So I'd rather spend money on the house and baby rather than myself.

Just last night the hubs and I were going over our list of baby items needing to be purchased. Then that led into the topic of breastfeeding and I mentioned that I one thing I still needed to purchase was an udder cover.

Today while reading one of the blogs off my google reader I came across a girl that posted about receiving a free udder cover from www.uddercovers.com. I entered the promo code Mother and only paid shipping and handling for the udder cover. Def check this website out. The cover's are super cute and trendy.

Then after purchasing the udder cover I received a promo code for their other company. Seven Everyday Slings. I went there and purchase this adorable baby sling, another item on my baby list

And again I only paid shipping and handling. So check out this website as well. Such a great deal!

My final purchase of the day was a comforter set from Kohls. The hubs and I shopped all over yesterday for a new comforter set for our bedroom. Kohl's had a huge sale online and I purchased one for less than a hundred bucks. It pay's to save their coupons that get sent in the mail. One coupon knocked off 30 bucks my total after the set was already 100.00 bucks off. Score

I'm so proud of myself for my frugal shopping today. Can't wait to get these items in the mail

And tomorrow I promise I will post lovebug's name. I didn't get around to it today!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Florida Residents

We have officially been in Florida for a week. Our days have been spent unpacking, painting or running errands and at least one trip to Lowe's per day. So far the house is coming along nicely. We have the guest bedroom and master bathroom painted. We have been sleeping in the room that will become the nursery and the hubs is going to paint the master bedroom today. Then the next room will be the nursery. I can't wait to finally have her room all set up and ready to go!

The hubs is on leave until the middle of June and I am enjoying having him all to myself. It's so nice to not have either one of us going to work every day and coming home late and hardly having any time together. So even though we have been extremely busy every day it has been fun doing every day things together

This friday we will be taking a day off and going to Destin and spending the day at the beach. I have been craving seafood ever since we arrived down here and can't wait to check out the restaurants in town.

I am def loving it down here in Florida although it's not exactly how I imagined it. As a kid my family always vacationed in Florida. Our favorite destination spot was Sanibel Island. It was such a beautiful location, white sandy beaches, palm trees everywhere and quaint little boutiques and shops. So when I found out we were moving to Florida this is what I imagined.

When I came down here in March to find a house, I was shocked. Driving on base there were countless bear and deer crossing signs. I felt like I was in northern Wisconsin rather than Florida! The town is very small and a lot different from what I am used to but I love it actually. To get to a mall,target or barnes and nobles I have to drive to Fort Walton Beach or Destin. The only big stores here are Lowe's and Walmart. Yesterday we had to go to the local tractor supply shop for the dog's food!

I def don't miss the insanity that was Fayetteville. Everyone here is friendly and our neighbors are awesome. I am def getting used to this slower paced,small town way of life. I am also excited to attend all the summer festivities coming up in Fort Walton Beach and Destin. In a few weeks there's Pirate Festival which I guess is a huge parade and the whole town of Fort Walton dresses up as Pirates. Then seafood festival is next! I can't wait to attend all these cute festivals and be a part of the festivities!

All right, I guess I better get back to unpacking and cleaning. Tomorrow I will reveal lovebug's name!


Friday, May 6, 2011

27 week and PCS update

We are finally here at what will be our new home for the next few years. Although the hubs is in the army, his unit is stationed at an air force base. Lots of new lingo to learn. Base Vs post, bx instead of px. But from what I've seen so far of the base, I like it!

Before we left on Monday I had my final Drs appointment at Ft Bragg. And wouldn't you know I had the nicest nurse and dr yet. Almost made me regret to leave! I learned that I missed failing the glucose test by 2 points. So now I'm trying to watch my carb and sugar intake. And when they measured my fundal height baby girl is measuring at 29 weeks instead of 27. What that means I'm not so sure! Either she will be one big baby or she will arrive earlier than expected.

Tuesday morning we arrived in Florida and pulled up to our new house. We worked out a deal with the sellers where we would fix all the repairs that technically they are responsible for if we didn't have to pay the security deposit. They agreed.

So within the next week we have will have people installing new carpet, we will be painting all the walls since the walls currently are lovely shades of peach, orange and plum, and finishing unpacking.

Yesterday we went to the base to switch tricare regions and then I went straight up to ob to drop off my records. I was very nervous about being seen somewhere new. But wow what a difference from the staff here compared to Bragg. The receptionist treated me like a person and even had me meet with a nurse even though my official appointment isn't for another two weeks. And she was awesome. I feel very calm about making the switch so late in my pregnancy!

And while everything with baby girl is going great and the hubs and I are enjoying having our own home my heart is heavy

On wednesday morning my dad texted me and told me to call my grandma. My mom had spent the night by her the previous night because she had the flu. Ever since my grandpa died my grandma has lived alone in one of those senior living centers. It's not a nursing home and although she needs a lot of care she refused to live with my parents or my aunt or living in a nursing home. So they have nurses that come in to give her some care but it's not enough.

My poor grandma has been in stage four of congestive heart failure since October. We thought that was the end but somehow she got better. I didnt think anything of her having the flu. I just saw her for my shower a few weeks ago and talked to her on Easter which was the day after her birthday. She was her normal self and in good spirits. So I was shocked and upset when I called my mom wednesday morning to learn that grandma couldn't get out of bed and they believed she was in total body failure and was in so much pain.

I tried talking to her but she was barely coherent. It was then I lost it. I felt guilty for not being there and sad I've lived so far away these past few years. Growing up her and my gramps were a huge part of my life.

It has been heartbreaking talking to my mom who has been staying there trying to mange her pain. She says grandma keeps calling out to Jesus to help her.
Yesterday she was transferred to a hospice. She has a do not resuscitate order so a hospital wouldn't do much good. They are going to try and get her pain under control with the possibility of sending her back home where she wishes to spend her last few days. The prognosis is probably the weekend.

I've been trying to stay positive but I'll be unpacking boxes and burst into tears or just start crying in the middle of the grocery store

Yesterday I wrote on Facebook about how it was hard to stay happy when I knew grandma was laying in a hospice bed and how I wished I was home to be with her

One of M's relatives commented saying prayers, but you should be glad your grandma is still alive. I lost it. I started crying and yelling and when M saw the comment he was very upset. I couldn't believe someone would write that. Obviously I am beyond thankful she is still alive but it's hard to hear how much pain she is in and to not be there to spend time with her. I was so upset I commented back which is very unlike me and I asked how not being there with her was hard and I didn't know what was positive about her being on a hospice which is what she never wanted. This person wrote back saying her grandma does when she was 23 so at least I had time with mine. I'm 27. Four years isn't that much of a difference. And again I don't even understand the point of her comments. To me they were insensitive and hurtful. No matter how old you are or how much time you spend with someone you never want to lose that person. And M's relatives still post about missing their grandma who passed in 2002 so I don't understand why it's not ok for m'e to post about wishing I was there with my grandma. To m'e it was just a hurtful comment and I'm so thankful my mom didnt see it because she would have lost it.

So now with grandma things are wait and see. I call constantly for updates and while I pray for a miracle I also pray that in the end she is in no pain.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Weekend for the History Books

What a weekend this has turne out to be. For the rest of our lives we will all remember where we were May 1, 2001.

This weekend kicked off with the royal wedding and was ended by the announcement of the death of Osama Bin Laden.

Before I continue with my post I'm going to get a little political. It was funny/sad to see how people jumped down each other's throats via Facebook and twitter. Isn't one of the great freedoms of America being that we are able to have our own opinions and voice them. It's just sad when people jump down friends throats when your political viewpoints don't agree. That's the great thing about living in a free country. We don't have to agree!

I personally would have also liked to see Bush speak. Maybe not last night but eventually. An of course supposedly that means I'm a Obama hater. Whatever.
My reason being is that this whole thing started with Bush. It may have ended with Obama but it had to start somewhere. Each president played their own role in the capturing and death of Osama and each deserve their credit. I do find it funny that people hate Bush for getting us in this war, but will now love the Obama administration for his death. But like I said each deserves their due credit. For finally it's finished. Ok enough on that. That's my own personal opinion. It's my personal blog so if you don't agree I'm sorry. But also keep your political opinions to yourself. That is your right to disagree with me.

However while I believe both presidents deserve some credit, all the credit, respect and support should go to our troops. They have been the ones from day one who have left their families and friends to put their lives on the line. Yes justice was served. Thanks to our many men and women serving our country.

We also need to remember the 3000 people who lost their lives during 9/11. May prayers go out to their families. Not to mention the countless soldiers who paid the ultimate price during this fight on terror. They should be the ones who get all the credit.

It is for their sacrifice that justice is now served

And while the death of Osama means great triumph for America this is not the end. I am afraid to think about what this really means for us. I heard on one news report that Pakistan did not help in the death of Osama and that Obama will now consider them enemies. Will they retaliate against us. Will al queda also retaliate? whether to our troops overseas or even here in America. Will this mean the beginning of the end of the war on terror or will it mean more troops being sent overseas?

I pray that there is no retaliation especially to our soldiers deployed and here at home. I shutter to think about another terrorist attack.

And to end with what Obama said last night. Let's all remember how we felt on 9/11. Neighbor helping neighbor, joining and uniting together.

I believe that right now, personal opinions on politics aside, that everyone needs to stand up and join together as a country united and celebrate Osamas death, kiss a soldier for their service and pray for no retaliation

God Bless America

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone