Monday, July 12, 2010

The end is near!

I am days away from seeing my Hubby. I can't believe that 4 months has passed. This deployment was very different from the first one we went through together, and even though it wasn't as difficult I am very glad it's almost over

This weekend I finished everything up on my redeployment to do list and only have cleaning the house left to do. Im getting so anxious I can't stand it. Insomnia has set in and even the dogs are feeling my anxiety. I know they are just as excited for daddy to be home as I am

My Hubby is coming in late at night and I'm trying to figure out what to wear. I dont want to get too dressed up but I still want to look nice. The thing that stinks about my soldier returning is that he will be on post hours before I am allowed to go get him. You see for his unit there are no big send off celebrations or welcome home ceremonies. There are no banners waving when their flight lands and no wives awaiting for their loved ones to deplane. Instead the men debrief, do inventory and wait for the all clear to call their families to pick them up, while the wives pace nervously around their houses waiting for the phone to ring.

Luckily I work the day that he gets back so hopefully it will go by semi fast. I can't wait to see his face which I have only looked upon in pictures these last few months and I can't wait to give him a big kiss which I have only dreamed about since he left.

I thank God that he is coming home! Only a few more days and another deployment has come to an end!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Wow I clearly remember the day he left, I can't believe he is back already! Congrats on getting through another deployment, I hope the next few days pass by quickly for you.

  2. Aw I'm so excited for you:-) I know you'll pick something cute and look gorgeous for him! Can't wait to hear about it!!!!

  3. So exciting...I am so glad he will be home soon...what a great feeling!

  4. That's how my sister-in-law's hubby's unit does things. So excited that you're just a few days away!

  5. so happy for you!! :)

  6. I could have written this post! I know exactly what you're going through :) I'm so excited for you.

  7. That is SO exciting! I'm sure your hubby won't care what you're wearing as long as your there to see him :) Only a few days away!!

  8. I didn't get a deployment or redeployment ceremony when P left or came home, and it was actually ok with me. It was very public to pick him up at the airport, but it was wonderful to be able to not have to navigate a bunch of people or obstacles to get to see him.

    I bet you're SO excited to have him back!!

  9. Awe how crappy but so exciting its almost over!!

  10. Yay!! I am bad with fashion advice, so i'm no help there.

  11. Oh thank goodness that it's so close!!

  12. Hooray! I'm glad he's almost home. I'm happy for you!
