Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Army does it again

The hubs was supposed to be home late Tuesday night. He had lied and told me Wednesday and had it all planned out to have a friend of ours pick him up from post and drive him to our house where he would surprise me. That however did not turn out to be the case because yesterday morning I got a call saying that the flight home was delayed by a few days maybe even a few weeks. I swear I could scream

In addition to changing the guy's return home date 5 times and now the delay the guys were also informed that their leave dates were moved from august to october. Never mind that many families have vacations planned and paid for. Us included. My hubby's Captain was able to get the guys a week off shortly after they come home but I had taken 2 weeks off and need to head up to WI for my cousin's wedding preparations in which I am standing up. So I am leaving ahead of M. As much as this sucks I am grateful that we do have at least a little time off together shortly after he returns.

I also shouldn't be surprised that his flight home was delayed. One of the reason's I didn't move down to NC right after M got back from his deployment was because the date kept changing so I wasn't able to give my job a proper 2 week notice or really get anything ready to move. M was supposed to return home January 24 2009. So on the 22 my parent's and I loaded up their van with all of our wedding present's, some of my clothes and a little bit of furniture and we set off for NC. I had already put a deposit down on an apartment beforehand so once arriving in NC we got the keys to the hubs and I first place together. M's furniture was in storage and was set to be delivered on the 23. My parent's helped me move all the furniture in, clean up the apt and get situated. On the night of the 23 I got a phone call from the hubs explaining that due to maintenance issues he wouldn't be home the next day. I was so upset. My parent's were leaving the following morning, I knew no one in town and had no car to get around since the hubby's was in storage. But there wasn't much I could do. So the following morning my parent's left and I was alone. I had a tv that didn't work since I bought the wrong cord and no lights in the apt except the kitchen lights and the bathroom lights. Luckily I had my labtop and I met two girls in the apt complex off a military wife website and they took pity on my and hung out with me until M came home.

When we got word that they guys were getting on a flight home a few days later my hopes soared only to be dashed when that flight needed to be used to med evac soldier's that had been injured. As upset and frustrated as I was even I wasn't going to complain about soldier's needed medical attention. It was at moment that I realized that even though it sucked big time that M was delayed and that once he returned home I would only have a week instead of 2.5 weeks with him before returning to WI to tie up loose ends, I was thankful that my hubby was coming home and realization hit me that I had nothing to complain about.

So as much as I'm upset and frustrated now that once again his return home has been delayed. I am thankful that he is returning home shortly. And as my blogger bff Amber wrote on my facebook yesterday, all I have to do is Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming


  1. That sucks! Every time Spouse was on RC and couldn't call or email I'd want to complain but then I'd remind myself that someone was hurt or worse, so i really had nothing to whine about. I am soooo hesitant to make ANY plans too! When I booked our Disney trip last year it was like pulling teeth to give the travel agent my credit card info! I just knew the Marine Corps would mess it up!

  2. Delays are so frustrating! You would think after 4 months, a few days wouldn't be a big deal, but it feels like an eternity when you are so ready for the deployment to be over!

  3. Gosh...why do they always do that?! It's so frustrating! Stay positive...he will be home "soon" and you are right...he IS coming home and even if you have to wait a few extra days, it will be worth it!

  4. That stinks! Sorry to hear about that, sorry, but sadly, not surprised. (((hugs)))

  5. Sorry to hear that. My husband is always reluctant to tell me dates and things like that because they are always changing. It makes it very hard for people that work and are planners!

  6. Ugh! Its so frustrating! Hang in there. He'll be home soon!

  7. That sucks and is SO frustrating. I remember going through that in April, and another friend of mine is going through it right now. It's incredibly irritating. I wish they could pick a schedule and stick to it!

    Hang in there, you're in the home stretch of this thing, and while it's more frustrating than the rest of it put together, he'll be home soon!

  8. Oh the suspense kills you, doesn't it?! Yes, just keep swimming, girl. He'll be home soon, and you just have to thank God that he is coming home safe and sound.

  9. Trust me, I remember that wait like it was yesterday! P spent 9 days in Kuwait waiting on a signature to send him home.

    Keep your chin up, you're SO close!!

  10. The Military is such a roller coaster of emotions, I feel ya. It takes a very strong person to be married to the Military. Good Luck, he will be home before you know it :)
