Thursday, January 3, 2013

You've been heart attacked

Although Valentines day is more than a month away I decided to get a head start. With the husband being deployed Ill have to mail it out within the next week to ensure that he gets it by then

Usually we don't celebrate Valentines day. In 4.5 years of marriage he has only been home for valentines day once. And he was sick. Plus with our birthdays being in Feb as well we just kind of lump everything together and celebrate it all at once

But this year I decided to do things differently. Since the arrival of the kids we tend to not exchange gifts for bdays or holidays in order to go all out for our kiddos. And I'm perfectly fine with that. But I still think its important to nurture our relationship as well.

I don't feel extravagant gifts are always the best way to show someone how much you love them. Instead it's the little things and the meaning out behind a gift that matters

On Pinterest I found this cute idea. The you've been heart attacked valentine. Basically you cut out paper hearts and on each one write something you love about the person your giving it to

I cut out my hearts and wrote one or two lines on each either from myself or the kids making it personal, funny, cute, or sentimental. Then I wrapped them in a box and that was that. It cost me nothing since I had all the supplies at home and yet it's just enough to show the hubby how much he means to me

Here is the box I wrapped

And my hearts

I ordered him some books and filled up the mailing box with red hots, conversations hearts and Hershey kisses and that was that

I can't wait for him to get his package. As much as I love our kids I want to make sure I keep on letting him know how much he means to me as well!


  1. Such a great idea! :) Love it. I did something like this for Kyle when he was in Haiti. He loved it.

  2. Very cute idea!

    Xo, B
