Sunday, January 12, 2014

Book review and Grammarly's

"I tried Grammarly's check for plagiarism free of charge because no one wants to be like Shia Labeouf!  These days it is impossible to express yourself in your own words given how technology inundates us with a constant flow of information and thoughts. Poor Shia, I hear he is retiring from the public eye because of his recent plagarism scandal. If only he would have used Grammarly's to check his sources. He may not be in this mess

There have been so many times that I have sat down to write a post about a certain subject only to log onto bloglovin and see another blogger had written almost the exact same thing leaving me to not publish my post out of fear that someone would think I was copying. IN a world where social media is prevalent and we mostly get our information off the internet,  it is sometimes hard to come up with an original thought. Or to state that thought in a way that comes across as your honest opinion, instead of someone elses'

When it comes to blogging and writing I sometimes worry that I may be copying or not properly citing someone else's work. Grammarly's grammar and plagiarism checker is a awesome resource for checking your sources, grammar correction and creating citations. I have come across so many saying and quotes on pinterest that have been made into cute little ecards only  to see that the author stated Is wrong! And I'm sure we've all seen someone taking a blog post written by another blogger and pass it off as their own.

This site is also useful to teachers. Most of my friends happen to be teacher's, middle school English teachers at that and this site would certainly come in handy when grading research paper's. If only I would have had this site in college. This site could have been so helpful when writing my numerous thesis paper's I had for various classes. Head over to Grammarly's and check out this awesome resource

And with that in mind I also wanted to do a quick book review. Or reviews. One of my new years resolutions was to read more and watch tv less and so far I am succeeding. Since 2014 has started I have read 3 books. I just finished the Husband's Secret which I will be reviewing in a few weeks and I also read The Elite by Kiera Cass and Bittersweet by Shuana Niequist

The Elite by Kiera Cass is the second book in the Selection Series. When the first book came out it was referenced as a cross between the Hunger Games and the Bachelor. I immediately bought it. And I have to say  I love the series. It is cheesy, fun and a quick read.
"In a world separated by a caste system, America has a chance to vie for the prince's attention and become his queen."
The writing isn't the greatest at times but when you are sleep deprived due to sleepless nights it is the perfect read to help you relax and take your mind off things. And all though the story can be juvenile (Just like the Bachelor) I am intrigued as to who the main character picks! And I will never turn down a princess story. At almost 30 years old I still daydream about becoming a princess myself one day. So if you are looking for a easy, fun read def pick up this series

Bittersweet by Shuana Niequist are short essays relating to the author's thoughts on "Change, Grace and Learning the Hard Way".  I read the author's first book Cold Tangerine's last year and loved it. This one however I am not liking as much. I love the author's insight and her way of writing, yet feel like she leaves a lot out of her story. She talks about losing her job in a painful way, in a way that led her and her husband to move out of the town they were living in. Yet she doesn't state how or why she lost the job. That may not bother other's but I'm the sort of reader that wants to know the whole picture in order to relate to or to fully understand the story. That being said however, the author writes beautifully and I have so many things underlined in that book to go back to and reread later on.

This week I hope to start Hands Free Mama. Look for a book review coming soon

1 comment:

  1. haha so funny, the shia reference!! nobody wants to be like him, it's true! we used a source like that in college, but i had totally forgotten about it. so glad to know about this one!!
