Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The difference a year makes

It's crazy to think that last year at this time I was going through deployment number 4 with a toddler and a newborn. Some days when I look back I can't remember it all.  Its crazy how fast time goes by and Ethan's babyhood when by with the blink of an eye.
 In 1 year I went from
Sleepless nights to a sound sleeper
nursing to sippy cups of juice and milk
decorating a nursery to planning a big boy room
baby rattles and teething toys to trains, blocks and cars
teeny tiny onesies to toddler boy clothes
a newborn baby to a pre-toddler
rocking, walking and holding a colicky newborn constantly to a little boy who demands "Up" only when he wants to be picked up
a gummy toothless grin to a mouthful of teeth
baby crawls to a full out run
a dependent baby to a independent little boy(well, he still a little clingy so we are working on the independent part)
a baby with a personality starting to emerge to a little boy who is funny, sweet and starting to truly come into his own
I love this goofy boy of mine. Looking forward to fully enjoying this year, documenting every step along the way and leading a more present life with my kiddos. For it's true, they grow up way too fast

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