Saturday, March 2, 2013

Taking it all in

There are certain moments in life I wish I could bottle up forever. Moments that I wish I could bottle up and save for a later day. Moments that I can revisit and relive over and over. Moments that pictures or blog posts don't do justice

Since I've had kids these moments occur more and more. Every day I am aware of how fast my kids are growing up! I wish I could slow down time, hit the pause button and savor them just a little longer. These are some of my recent moments

Holding my friends newborn baby the other day and smelling that awesome baby smell immediately took me back to the day each of my kids were born. Those days spent in the hospital with each kid were magical. It was like life didn't exist outside of our hospital room. My baby, myself and the husband were the only people that mattered. Nothing else was as important. Some days I wish I could pack us and return to that bubble. I will never forget the way each of my kids smelled, or the way they for perfectly in my arms and how amazing it was to sit and rock them for hours. I will treasure that memory always

Another moment occurred yesterday. Since it was my brother and his girlfriends last day in town we took the kids to the zoo. The first time I took Gianna to the zoo she was 9 months old and had no idea what was going on. This time was a whole other ball game. I didn't bring the stroller and she loved her newfound sense of independence running from exhibit to exhibit. It was hilarious watching her walk past a huge giraffe to chase a small bird instead. And the sight of her peering over the fences to see Into the animals cages was a sight to remember. But the moment that seeped into my heart the most was watching my independent little toddler run ahead of me on the trail, the pitter patter of her feet saying Look at me, I'm doing this all on my own and the smile on her face that showed off her excitement. And every few steps, my big girl would stop, look back at me as if to say Are you still there mom, are you watching me and after verifying that I was, she'd scamper off again

And everyday I look at my baby boy who is not really a baby anymore and I realize the saying is true. Time goes by faster with each kid and while I wish I could slow it down and keep them little forever I'm enjoying the ride of motherhood

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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