Thursday, July 28, 2011

Attention Mommy's-Advice needed

As an avid reader and a new mommy I have been looking for some books to read regarding parenting and just about raising a baby in general. You know what milestone's should be reached when, how to go about getting them on a schedule, what's normal and not normal for babies to do or not do, that sort of thing.

I have What to Expect the first year and Baby 411. My mom gave me the Happiest Baby on the block but I found that one kind of useless. Any other good reads out there. Now that I am officially a stay at home wife and mommy I have a lot of reading time on my hands.

So tell me what you recommend. What helped you during the first few months or year after your baby was born. I would appreciate all thew suggestions

And another question- For those who breastfed. My Dr told us not to give Lovebug a paci until she was 6 weeks old. However she has started to us me as a human pacifer! Is it right to wait or is it ok to give them a pacifer.

Thanks Ladies!


  1. Moms on Call is the best one you can get for getting her on a schedule, in my opinion. I've heard great things about it. I didn't know about it when my babe was that young, but it sounds like we did a lot of the same concepts anyways and I have a wonderful sleeper! I know what he's going to be doing down to the hour all day... he's been on a great schedule since around 4 months!

    I have no personal help with the paci situation, but I do have a friend that has a month old baby. She was having trouble latching and an LC told her to use a Soothie paci to help correct the latch. I hope that helps!

  2. My friend gave her baby a paci the day after he got home from the hospital because it was the only way he would sleep, and he breastfeeds like a champ!

  3. We LOVED Babywise- it helped get us to understand her schedule and helps us to teach her how to sleep.

    As for the paci thing- I would wait as long as you could, we broke down around week three, after we knew she had a strong latch and was gaining weight properly, and began using it during the middle of the night time only. She never skipped a beat and isn't dependent on it.

  4. I don't take to heart what books or doctors say too much about raising my child. I take it as a guideline but not necessarily how I raise my child. Not every kid grows by the book and doesn't do well being raised by the book either. I am the Momma and know my child the best so I do what works the best. If your baby wants a paci- give her a paci. I think that waiting till 6 weeks business is absurd. Give it to her as she needs it. You'll be just fine if you follow what your heart and gut tell you! :o)

  5. Ugh, I thought I posted this but the stupid word verification threw me off.

    I tried to give TC one at 3 weeks but by then she wouldn't take any that we tried.

    Also, I read Healthy Sleep Habits of a Happy Baby and thought that was helpful but more for when she's a little older and ready to sleep train.

  6. I really like The Baby Book by Dr. Sears. It covers everything from milestones, nursing, solids, sleep, and even topics when they are older. I love it! It's very attachment parenting so if that's not your style then it won't be a good fit. But personally we love it. And I have no advice as far as a paci. Our baby was given one right away in the NICU and he used it for 3 weeks with no nursing problems. But when we took him home he has refused a paci ever since. But still nurses great.

  7. Ooo! What mommy doesn't like giving advice? We used "On Becoming Baby Wise" for our both of our sons from about 3 months for our first and from day 1 for our second because it really worked awesome for us. I nursed our second son and he had a paci from about 2 weeks on and he still nursed great. :)

  8. My mom got me the book "Entertaining and Educating Babies and Toddler" i love it! it's easy reading, nothing too in depth and has a ton of ideas as well as what is normal for baby at this time and that time, etc.

  9. The book by Dr. Sears is a good read, but I was glued to the "What to Expect the 1st Year".

    And the whole paci thing... I was nervous and originally against it before I gave birth. I breastfed, and didn't want anything to get in the way, especially since I didn't have plans on pumping. In the hospital, my son kept crying because he wanted to nurse but just got done, so he really wanted something to suck on. The nurse explained to me that it would be ok, he wouldn't have any nipple confusion. She was right. He figured out when he was hungry to go to mom, and when he just wanted to suck the paci was a great thing. No confusion at all. But whatever feels right to you. I just didn't want to have him on my boob 24/7 if it wasn't needed.

  10. Guinevere is 6 weeks now, and has been using a pacifier since day 1. We have not had any issues with breastfeeding! I say offer it to her.

  11. book by Dr. Dobson and lasts throughout childhood--

    pacifier-- each kid is different. i had no problems with my 3rd baby doing this. However my 4th baby did get confused. I was sore from nursing anyway, then he didn't latch on right. Stressed me out! i was kicking myself for giving him the pacifier in the first place. But each baby is different.

    Mrs. H from

  12. My wonderful pediatrician from back home told me the waiting for a paci idea seems like poppycock to her. The idea is to avoid nipple confusion, but if you are not having any issues breastfeeding, she explained that babies will KNOW the difference between food and a pacifier. I say, go ahead and let her have it. Being a human pacifier is no fun! In the end, just trust your intuition, momma's usually know best!

  13. I have to echo "On Becoming Babywise" or Babywise. WE LOVED IT! It is just so gosh darned logical, and I'm a practical, logical mama all the way!

  14. The Mission of Motherhood is a wonderful book about motherhood in general. By Sally Clarkson

    Sometimes a baby will think they want to eat when really what they want/need is to sleep. This happened with me and if it was not time to eat yet I'd swaddle him tight and do the 5 S's...seemed to work :) Each baby is different though.
