Thursday, October 18, 2012

39 weeks!

Tomorrow is the big day! I went today for my pre-op lab work and anxiety has started to kick in. I thought it would be easier since I know what to expect with the c-section but I think it's worse! Prayers would be greatly appreciated!

And now for my last bump date

How far along-39 weeks!

Total weight gain- 20 pounds

Maternity clothes- I pretty much live in leggings and tank tops lately. And the only pajamas I can fit into our Christmas pjs I bought a size too big a few years ago

Stretch Marks- This past week they have shown up like crazy! Ugh

Sleep- I've given up on sleep. Between peeing every five minutes and trying to find a comfortable spot it takes me hours to fall asleep. Not to mention Gianna has reverted to waking up at 5am every morning. Guess I'll be prepared for baby!

Food aversions- No aversions per say, just haven't felt like cooking anything lately

Cravings- pizza. I had pizza three days last week. Oops

Gender- Boy

Symptoms- backaches, fatigue,migraines, irritable leg syndrome, carpal tunnel, Braxton hicks

Labor signs- cramping, Braxton hicks, pelvic pressure

Belly button in/out- Out!

What Im looking forward too- meeting baby boy tomm.

I can't believe it's already October 18 and he will be here so soon

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. You look fabulous! Good luck tomorrow!

  2. Looking good mamma! Good luck tomorrow.

  3. So exciting!!!! Good luck tomorrow!

  4. Good luck! Can't wait to see the little cutie! :)

  5. Just think about the moment you meet this little boy; hopefully, that helps with the anxiety.
    HaPpY B-Day to the Little One & CoNgR@TuL@TiOnS to you for looking fantastic
