Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Rambles

1. I'm feeling more prepared for baby boys arrival. I purchased the car seat, double stroller and dresser. Well my parents purchased the dresser. I can't wait until it arrives at the house. Then I can start washing and folding baby boys clothes!

I feel so accomplished and a lot less stressed

2. The hubs is coming home this weekend. It's only been a month since he's been gone but it will be so nice to see him. I know he can't wait to see Gianna! He misses her so much

3. Is anyone else bummed the Olympics are over. I know I am. Though this show started last night and I can't wait to watch the new episodes

Watching this may be a big part of the reason I only go up to my knees in the ocean but I can't help it. Last year they had an episode dedicated to Miramar beach here in Destin. Apparently never swim past the second sand bar here at any of the beaches. If you do you are shark bait. They recently started a helicopter shark tour here and my friend went on it. They said they literally say hundreds of sharks all right by the shore. Yikes!

4. Baby boy is in the most uncomfortable position. It hurts to move. And once again I think I have another breech baby. Oh well he has 9 weeks To flip. Although it doesn't matter since I'll be having a c section anyway

5. I'm already planning on baby number 3. The hubs isn't so convinced. Although at first I was shocked to find out I was pregnant so quickly with number 2, the thought that this may be my last baby makes me really sad. I said we'd wait two years before trying for number 3. So I have two years to convince him hehe.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Love bug and I are off to a playmate with a stop at Starbucks along the way because this mommy needs some caffeine

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I used that car seat, and I loved it!

  2. I'm terrified my next baby will be breech too, since I want to avoid another c-section. I think we'll be done after two! But you never know.
