Hey everyone. I just loved Becky's idea of a blog link up as a way to meet other bloggers and find new blogs that I couldn't wait to join in. Although I guess most of my posts are about my kiddo's and life as a mom of 2 under 2 I am also random and write whatever is on my mind. So this post best describes me. Random. Read on to learn some more about me and my crazy life
I am...
A former Sorority/Party girl
Who met the man of her dreams
and married him 5months later in Key West, FL
I am a proud Army Wife
A former behavioral therapist to kiddo's with Autism
turned SAHM to 2 kids under 2
Gianna turned 16 months Nov 15th
and Ethan who turned 1 month on Nov 19th
So life is busy. Busier than I ever imagined but better than I ever dreamed. It's not all fun and games though. With a husband who is in the army I am a single parent most of the time. He is constantly coming and going and as our kids get older it's only going to get harder. We are facing another deployment coming up soon and it will be just me and the kids for 9 months. Although my family is in Wi I have a great support system here in Fl and know I will kick this deployment's ass.
And now for some more random facts about me
I'm from Wi and am currently living in NW Florida
I could spend every day laying on the beach
I love Fl but miss fall and winter in WI
I love to read-Currently I'm reading any and every parenting book on the market
I'm a twilight nerd. Team Edward all the way
I wish life was like an episode of Glee. People busting out in song and dancing all the time
I danced for 15 years. Tap, ballet and jazz. I can't wait until Gianna turns 3 so I can sign her up for ballet
I hate monkey's. And then I had a baby boy and love any monkey stuffed animal or outfit I can find. I don't know why just think they are adorable
I love waking up in the morning and having a cup of coffee though my cup tends to be 1/2 creamer vs 1/4 coffee
I can drink water and soda warm and my friends know that when they come over the soda I serve them will most likely be flat. I don't mind flat soda either
My idea of a perfect date night with the hubs is either a nice dinner out or curling up at home watching a movie
I love anything with Johnny Deppy or Channing Tatum
I've personally met the sexiest man alive....Here's proof
We all bumped heads before taking this pic. Best day ever!! I also met his wife.
I am addicted to reality tv. The trashier the better
I love fashion although I feel like I looked trendier and more fashionable when pregnant. Trying to lose the baby weight and nursing does not make it easy to buy or wear all the clothes that I want to
I am a total girly girl. I secretly wish I could wear all my daughter's frilly clothes and tutu's
I'm a nerd. The hubs and I laugh at the stupidest things for hours. We act like big kids around each other and I wouldn't have it any other way
I love God and am working on having a better relationship with him.
I love being a mom. Playdates, mommy groups and dirty diapers make up most of my day but snuggling with my kiddo's and creating memories that last are what matter most to me
I am addicted to my cell phone. I blog from it, stalk facebook and instagram on it and text constantly. I may have a problem
I am a wanna be photographer. I bought a Nikon D5000 and really need to learn how to use it. In the meantime I take pictures with it and wish they looked professional
I could eat pumpkin pie every day of my life and look forward to Sept every year when Starbucks gets there pumpkin spice latte's on the menu
I love winding down at night with a glass of wine. 2 pregnancies back to back and nursing doesn't make that a nightly event anymore but when I am able to have a glass I really enjoy it
I am honest. Too honest at times
I say exactly what I mean and you never have to guess what I'm feeling
I'm a shopaholic although now I spend most of my money on the kids. I just can't resist all the cute kids clothes out there
I could go on and on forever but I want to leave y'all with some mystery so you will want to come on back and keep on reading. Plus both babies are asleep and the hubs is calling me to watch Star Wars(like I said.I'm a huge nerd)
I can't wait to connect with y'all through this link up and I look forward to reading all the amazing blogs I find.
Thanks Becky for hosting!