Friday, November 30, 2012

They grow up so fast

My little boy is six weeks old already. Where has the time gone? I'd like to say I enjoyed every bit of these past six weeks but I'd be lying.

When Gianna was born it was pure bliss. I spent all six weeks of my recovery just laying around with her and holding her every second. I rarely put her down. And I cried every month as she got bigger. I couldn't believe how fast the time flew and sooner than I'd have liked I was celebrating her first birthday. Now Gianna is 16 months and I can't believe how much she has changed since she turned one. Or how much she's grown in the past month.

So when Ethan was born I vowed to treasure ever newborn moment. But I couldn't. To me Gianna was still my baby. Sure I enjoyed cuddling with and holding Ethan but in the moments he wasn't crying or eating I put him in his swing or vibrating chair and tried to spend time with Gianna. I saw her growing up right before my eyes and I didn't want to miss out on a single thing I forgot how fast babies grow up

Until yesterday. I went and visited a friend who had her sweet baby boy and couldn't believe how tiny he was. And already I don't remember Ethan being that tiny. My big boy just outgrew his newborn clothes and it won't be long before his size one diapers are to small. And once again I cried at how fast my baby was growing up. And I vowed to enjoy every single moment of his baby stage the same way I did with Gianna.

It's hard dividing time between the two especially when you are dealing with a colicky baby. But I don't want to look back with regret on missing out on so much with Ethan for they are only babies once.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Women Connect-MOMofTWO

Hey everyone. I just loved Becky's idea of a blog link up as a way to meet other bloggers and find new blogs that I couldn't wait to join in. Although I guess most of my posts are about my kiddo's and life as a mom of 2 under 2 I am also random and write whatever is on my mind. So this post best describes me. Random. Read on to learn some more about me and my crazy life

I am...
A former Sorority/Party girl
 Who met the man of her dreams
 and married him 5months later in Key West, FL
 I am a proud Army Wife
A former behavioral therapist to kiddo's with Autism

turned SAHM to 2 kids under 2
Gianna turned 16 months Nov 15th

and Ethan who turned 1 month on Nov 19th

So life is busy. Busier than I ever imagined but better than I ever dreamed. It's not all fun and games though. With a husband who is in the army I am a single parent most of the time. He is constantly coming and going and as our kids get older it's only going to get harder. We are facing another deployment coming up soon and it will be just me and the kids for 9 months. Although my family is in Wi I have a great support system here in Fl and know I will kick this deployment's ass.

And now for some more random facts about me

I'm from Wi and am currently living in NW Florida
I could spend every day laying on the beach
I love Fl but miss fall and winter in WI
I love to read-Currently I'm reading any and every parenting book on the market
I'm a twilight nerd. Team Edward all the way
I wish life was like an episode of Glee. People busting out in song and dancing all the time
I danced for 15 years. Tap, ballet and jazz. I can't wait until Gianna turns 3 so I can sign her up for ballet
I hate monkey's. And then I had a baby boy and love any monkey stuffed animal or outfit I can find. I don't know why just think they are adorable
I love waking up in the morning and having a cup of coffee though my cup tends to be 1/2 creamer vs 1/4 coffee
I can drink water and soda warm and my friends know that when they come over the soda I serve them will most likely be flat. I don't mind flat soda either
My idea of a perfect date night with the hubs is either a nice dinner out or curling up at home watching a movie
I love anything with Johnny Deppy or Channing Tatum
I've personally met the sexiest man alive....Here's proof
We all bumped heads before taking this pic. Best day ever!! I also met his wife.
 I am addicted to reality tv. The trashier the better
I love fashion although I feel like I looked trendier and more fashionable when pregnant. Trying to lose the baby weight and nursing does not make it easy to buy or wear all the clothes that I want to
I am a total girly girl. I secretly wish I could wear all my daughter's frilly clothes and tutu's
I'm a nerd. The hubs and I laugh at the stupidest things for hours. We act like big kids around each other and I wouldn't have it any other way
I love God and am working on having a better relationship with him.
I love being a mom. Playdates, mommy groups and dirty diapers make up most of my day but snuggling with my kiddo's and creating memories that last are what matter most to me
I am addicted to my cell phone. I blog from it, stalk facebook and instagram on it and text constantly. I may have a problem
I am a wanna be photographer. I bought a Nikon D5000 and really need to learn how to use it. In the meantime I take pictures with it and wish they looked professional
I could eat pumpkin pie every day of my life and look forward to Sept every year when Starbucks gets there pumpkin spice latte's on the menu
I love winding down at night with a glass of wine. 2 pregnancies back to back and nursing doesn't make that a nightly event anymore but when I am able to have a glass I really enjoy it
I am honest. Too honest at times
I say exactly what I mean and you never have to guess what I'm feeling
I'm a shopaholic although now I spend most of my money on the kids. I just can't resist all the cute kids clothes out there

I could go on and on forever but I want to leave y'all with some mystery so you will want to come on back and keep on reading. Plus both babies are asleep and the hubs is calling me to watch Star Wars(like I said.I'm a huge nerd)

 I can't wait to connect with y'all through this link up and I look forward to reading all the amazing blogs I find.

 Thanks Becky for hosting!

Monday, November 26, 2012

What's on my nightstand

I've been trying to watch less tv and read more lately but with two kiddos that's easier said than done

It also doesn't help that I have an addiction to books. I'll start one, read a few pages, then start another until I have about 10 books going at once. You think that would mean I wouldn't buy any more books until I finish all the ones I started. Nope I'm always buying a new book. And that leads to my nightstand looking like this

And most of them are parenting books!

Here are the titles currently on my nightstand

Raising Happiness
The child whisperer
The sleep tight lady's guide to a good nights sleep
No regrets parenting
Scream free parenting
The happiest toddler on the block
Bringing up girls

Currently reading
The Resolution for Women
The Baby Whisperers guide to toddlers. I'm loving this book so far.ill post more about this one later

Does anyone else have the same problem with buying more books and not finishing the ones you've started.

I can't say Its just me though. This is my husbands side

And he hasn't even been home a week!

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Women Connect Link UP

Hey ladies

Just wanted to share with y'all this amazing link up that one of my favorite blogger's is hosting on Tuesday Nov 27th. I shouldn't just say hosting as she is the one that came up with this awesome idea. Basically it's a link up for all of us bloggers to link up to as a way to connect with and find new blogs to follow. Women who are similar to us, who we can really relate to and connect with. I have my post all ready and am excited for this link up. With two babies at home I really only have time to read blogs through my google reader. I can't peruse the computer for new blogs to read the way that I used to. So I 'm looking forward to getting a chance to do that again through this link up

 Here is a link to the fabulous From Mrs to Mama for some more info on the link up.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

What I've been up to as told by Instagram

Celebrating thanksgiving as a family of four!

Friday was a lazy day at home. The kids are loving having daddy back home and he is soaking up as much time with the kids as possible before he leaves again

Since the hubs will be leaving so soon our Christmas decorating isn't quite as festive as usual. Plus with a toddler running around we didn't think a tree was necessarily the safest thing to put up

So we pulled out the bare necessities and decorated our mantle

I love having a fireplace again. Even though we still have our ac on here in Fl we turned on the fireplace for some ambiance and curled up to watch movies last night with the Christmas lights twinkling and a (fake) fire crackling

Today we took Ethan to our favorite place here in Fl. Seaside or 30A. This place is heaven on earth. We walked around the farmers market, and made a stop into the cutest toy store

Gianna had to model a cupcake headband

And I made the hubs pose by this awesome tshirt

We also switched Gianna to forward facing today. Such a big girl. She enjoyed being able to see us and watch Tangled in the car

I also treated myself to an early Christmas present! A Lenny and Eva bracelet. Love it

Tomorrow I am making Thanksgiving dinner for just the four of us but before I sit down to enjoy round two of thanksgiving I'm off to see Breaking Dawn with my bestie!

Have a good weekend everyone

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Friday, November 23, 2012

A Child's 10 Commandments to Parents

 I read these commandments written by Dr. Kevin Leman who has written many parenting books, and wanted to share these with you all

1. My hands are small; please don’t expect perfection whenever I make a bed, draw a picture, or throw a ball. My legs are short; please slow down so that I can keep up with you.
2. My eyes have not seen the world as yours have; please let me explore safely: don’t restrict me unnecessarily.
3. Housework will always be there. I’m only little such a short time—please take time to explain things to me about this wonderful world, and do so willingly.
4. My feelings are tender; please be sensitive to my needs; don’t nag me all day long. (You wouldn’t want to be nagged for your inquisitiveness.) Treat me as you would like to be treated.
5. I am a special gift from God; please treasure me as God intended you to do, holding me accountable for my actions, giving me guidelines to live by, and disciplining me in a loving manner.
6. I need your encouragement, but not your praise, to grow. Please go easy on the criticism; remember you can criticize the things I do without criticizing me.
7. Please give me the freedom to make decisions concerning myself. Permit me to fail, so that I can learn from my mistakes. Then someday I’ll be prepared to make the kind of decisions life requires of me.
8. Please don’t do things over for me. Somehow that makes me feel that my efforts didn’t quite measure up to your expectations. I know it’s hard, but please don’t try to compare me with my brother or my sister.
9. Please don’t be afraid to leave for a weekend together.  Kids need vacations from parents, just as parents need vacations from kids. Besides, it’s a great way to show us kids that your marriage is very special.
10. Please take me to Sunday school and church regularly, setting a good example for me to follow. I enjoy learning more about God.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

I'm thankful that my husband is finally home and is able to celebrate Thanksgiving with us

I'm thankful for my little girl who I love more than anything

And I'm thankful for my little turkey

God has given me so many blessing this year. So above all I am thankful to God

Happy Thanksgiving

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Losing Control and being ok with it

It is hard for me to let go and let myself lose control. As someone who is a Type A personality, has some OCD and anxiety issues you can see why this would be a problem

After Gianna was born my OCD skyrocketed. I couldn't stand when the house was messy. And by messy I mean a few toys scattered around. I'd walk behind Gianna as she was playing and clean up after her. I only ended up creating more work for myself since she would just walk right behind me and take everything back out. Yet this was a routine I did over and over.

The older Gianna got the more established my cleaning routine became. As soon as she went to bed at night, I cleaned. I figured once baby boy came I could keep up my cleaning schedule. Big mistake

Poor E gets horrible gas at night and literally screams from 8-12 most nights. I do a dance of swinging, swaying, rocking, bouncing, etc just to try and get him comfortable. This of course leaves one exhausted Mama

So I found myself cleaning during nap time. This was also not a good idea. For a number of reasons. One being that the instant Gianna woke up the house became messy again. The other being that this didn't leave me anytime for myself. And with two kids under two in the house that is time much needed. For my
Sanity and for theirs. I realized this after I experienced a panic attack Friday night. It was awful

I started to realize that if I make myself overwhelmed, sick and exhausted due to trying to make everything perfect at home
It's going to be me and the kids that suffer. In a parenting class I took last week I learned that if we as parents don't take care of ourselves, we become unable to fully care for everyone else 100 percent.

So as much as Legos and stuffed animals all over the floor may drive me crazy I vow to sit back and relax. Whether its cuddling with the kids, taking a shower or reading a book I need that time to catch my breath and breathe. Who cares if the house is messy, who cares if the kids and I are still in our pjs. When I spend time with them instead of gettin all caught up in my to do list we are making memories that last a lifetime.

Slowly but surely Im learning to let go and live in the moment

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Monday, November 19, 2012

My newest obsession

Since I'm up roughly every 2 hours during the night I spend a lot of time reading blogs or pinning things on pinterest. I saw these bracelets on a fashion blog and am now obsessed. I want one so bad!

The bracelets are made by Lenny and Eva. After I am done with all my Christmas shopping I will be treating myself to one of these

Love thus one

My favorite

Too cute

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Introducing G to baby brother

From the moment I found out I was pregnant the biggest issue I had was that I felt like I was hurting Gianna in some way. Jipping her of a childhood in some way. I know now that that was a crazy way to feel and that it wasn't true in the slightest but it was hard not to feel like I was damaging her in some way. I would cry when I wasn't able to chase her around the yard due to the heat and the extra 20 pounds hanging on me. I would feel bad when I was too tired to do anything but cuddle on the couch and watch tv with her thinking to myself that I need to do more to stimulate her than turn on the tv. But if I could go back and do it over I would tell myself that Gianna was loved every second of every day, she had all her needs met and that she never wanted for my attention, hugs or kisses.

One thing I wanted to do was give her a nice big sister gift. Even though she is only 15 month's old and doesn't truly understand why she got a gift, or even what was going on with brother being born I still wanted to make it special. I thought long and hard about what I wanted to give her. Since getting a doll for her birthday, Gianna has become attached to her baby. She rocks it, and pushes it around in her stroller and will not go to bed without it. She is truly the sweetest little girl and it is so fun to watch her play with her baby. Originally I wanted to get her a cabbage patch doll but then found out about the American Girl Itty Bitty Baby collection. Now I love American Girl dolls. I had three as a kid and all of the books. I can't wait until Gianna gets older so we can read them together and I can give her my old doll's and expand her collection. So this was the perfect way to start. I purchased the doll that looked like her and wrapped it up. Ready to give to her on Ethan's birth day

Shortly after Ethan was born my parent's brought Gianna to the hospital. She was in her pink tutu and big sister shirt I had picked out just for the occasion. I waited for my little girl to come running to me for a hug but when she entered the room I got nothing. She bypassed me and continued to ignore me. Even when M gave her her present and we tried to get her to come over to me she refused. I didn't exist. And the doll. She was interested in it for about 5 seconds before wanting to run all over the room and pull all the cords off that were connected to me or the bed.

Again the guilt came back. I was devastated that she didn't run into my arms and cling for dear life. But I assumed that would happen once I was home from the hospital. I missed being away from her those two nights and couldn't wait until my parent's brought her to the hospital. And although she was still leery of me I knew it would get better

Once home, it was more of the same. Sure she showed interested in baby brother,  Patting his head,  shaking his bouncer and getting mad when I laid him in "her" little lamb chair but to me she was oblivious. She went to my parent's for everything and would rarely let me cuddle. Every night I'd go into my room and cry. I even called the hubs after he left and said that I think that I damaged her in some way. That her's and I relationship would never be the same. The hubs, poor guy who just left his newborn son and daughter now had to deal with a crazy, hormonal wife on the phone. But he said just what I needed to hear. That she will be fine. That she won't remember this years from now and that she knows I love her more than anything and that she loves me as well.

These past few weeks have def gotten easier. She gives her brother kisses and loves looking at him. She is back to her usual self with me and I can't wait until I'm fully recovered and able to pick her up, and take her to the park and resume all our normal activities. All in all she has adjusted very well. Although the tantruming has started. The all out, falling to the floor kicking and screaming. And hiting and biting as well. I got smacked across the face when I wouldn't let her play with my glasses the other day. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Each time though I ignore her behavior's, and don't give in and as quickly as they start they stop. I know she is at that age when these behavior's are likely to start but it makes me sad that my sweet little girl can act like this!

But all in all things are going well. Once the hubs gets home I plan on taking G out for a mommy daughter date! I never want her to feel replaced, nor do I want little guy to get ignored either. But I will figure it out!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ethan's Birth Story

Since I ended up having a c-section with Gianna I was given the option of having another c-section or trying to have a regular delivery. I chose the c-section. Tomorrow I will be back with reason's why I chose a repeat c-section and compare my two experiences. But today this blog is dedicated to the birth of my little man.

My c-section was scheduled for Oct 19th. I was instructed to call Labor and delivery no later than 4:30am and to have stopped eating and drinking by midnight the night before. I set my alarm for 3, got up and took a shower and got ready. Yes I did my hair and makeup completely. No reason I couldn't look good during surgery! I then crept into Gianna's room, picked her up outta her crib and rocked her while bawling my eyes out. I prayed that she would adapt to the addition of her baby brother, I prayed that nothing would happen to me, I prayed for a safe and healthy delivery of baby boy and most of all I just soaked up every last moment with Gianna for this was the last day she would be my only child.

I then called L&D expecting to be informed to go in. Due to an emergency my c-section would start around 9:30 so I was instructed to go in by 7:30. So off I went to bed for another hour, then the hubs and I got up, packed up my bags and were out the door. Of course as I was leaving, Gianna who had just woken up, came running to the door, arms outstretched screaming Mommy. I immediately started sobbing and picked her up. It was so hard to leave her to go to the hospital

Once at L&D we were shown to out room. The same room I stayed in with Gianna. I took this as a sign of good luck and immediately felt more relaxed. Until the tech came in who did my IV. She had to start and stop multiple times, jamming the needle in and outta my arm. I started to feel faint and she finally pulled the needle out all together and found a better vein in my other arm. Once that was done however I was good to go.

At about 9:30 the nurse came in to get me and we started walking down the hall to the operating room. All the nurses working called out Good luck mommy or here's another mommy coming. It was so sweet. Once in the OR however I panicked. The minute I walked in I started shaking from nerves and my bp shot up. It took the anesthesiologist a few times to get my spinal right and the minute it started taking effect my bp plummeted and I started throwing up everywhere. It is quite an interesting experience to throw up when you can't feel anything. I started looking around for the hubs and finally heard him come in. The nurses quietly informed him I had been throwing up and I remember looking over at him and saying I never wanted to do this again. The Dr's all started laughing and got to work. My incision time was at 9:54 at little man was born at 10:20.  During the surgery the Dr did a good job of keeping me informed about what was going on. I also learned that I had way more scar tissue than she had anticipated and that one more kiddo for us would be my limit.

But back to Ethan being born. I remember being so out of it during my surgery with Gianna that it all flew by in a daze. This I wanted to remember. When they pulled him out( which took awhile since he was jammed in my right side) he let out the most beautiful cry I ever heard. The dr kept saying he had a lot of hair and M kept telling me he looked just like Gianna. Finally they brought him over to me and I was able to see him. He was perfect in every way. Just as beautiful as his sister was with the sweetest little face and cry. Once again I felt that overwhelming wave of emotion crash over me and loved him with all my heart. My little man was here

But back to Ethan being born. I remember being so out of it during my surgery with Gianna that it all flew by in a daze. This I wanted to remember. When they pulled him out( which took awhile since he was jammed in my right side) he let out the most beautiful cry I ever heard. The dr kept saying he had a lot of hair and M kept telling me he looked just like Gianna. Finally they brought him over to me and I was able to see him. He was perfect in every way. Just as beautiful as his sister was with the sweetest little face and cry. Once again I felt that overwhelming wave of emotion crash over me and loved him with all my heart. My little man was here

All in all it was a pretty uneventful. No labor pains, no waiting for my water to break, no pushing for hours. Nothing.  About a half hour after my surgery started my little man was born. It's still strange to think I have 2 kids now. 2 under 16 months! I will be one busy Mama from here on out but I wouldn't change it for the world

Sunday, November 11, 2012

3 weeks post partum

I can't believe my baby boy is three weeks old. I threw my friend a baby shower today and as I watched her touch and prod her belly I felt a slight ache and a feeling of nostalgia missing the feeling of my little man curled up in my tummy. For once they are born they grow up way to fast for my liking!

As I got ready for the shower today I debated about what to wear. Due to having a c-section Its still hard to wear jeans over my incision. And since I'm nursing I needed to find something that was easily accessible to feed an infant. So I decided on the dress I wore for my maternity pictures and that led to this comparison

First pic taken at 36 weeks and last one taken today! Only 4 more pounds to go till I reach pre baby weight. However I need to lost about 15 pounds to reach pre- wedding weight hehe. A weight I haven't been in about 4.5 years. Hmmm

As for my recovery Its going good. I'm def in more pain this time around but I think that's more to do with having a second c section 15 months after the first and all the scar tissue the dr said I had. I also now have a toddler to entertain and chase after whereas when Gianna was born I could spend all day cuddling on the couch with her.

All in all though my c section experience was great and of course the end result is one super cute little boy

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Friday, November 9, 2012

3 weeks old!

I can't believe my little man is 3 weeks old already! Where does the time go? It's crazy.

Ethan is an amazing baby. He sleeps a lot and only fusses when hungry. Which lately has been very often. He has finally upped his feedings to about 45 mins per feeding and at night he wants to cluster feed which makes for one exhausting mommy. However I did the one thing I swore I wouldn't do with baby number 2 and that is co- sleeping. Yup you guessed it. Ethan sleeps with me at night. He just loves to be snuggled when sleeping. And since c-section recovery the 2nd time around is much harder than the first it's also easier for Me to have him in bed with me. The hubby comes home in two weeks however and he's promised to stay up at night with him when he fusses so maybe little man wont be sleeping with me to much longer

The adjustment from 1 kid to 2 has been easy so far. Granted I've had family in town since E was born and someone is always entertaining Gianna but I still squeeze in my alone time with both kiddos. The real test will be next week when I have no one err and I have to pack up two kids to go places and try to get things done around the house while dealing with a crying baby and a tantruming toddler.

I do think it will be awhile before my house is clean! Oh well. That's life with kids right

And now for some pics of my little guy

Coming home from the hospital

One week

First Halloween

Sleeping just like his sister did as a newborn

So grumpy

Happy 3 weeks E!

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