Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Casey Anthony Trial

Now that I am a stay at home wife I have plenty of time to catch up on current events.The hubs comes home everyday to me watching CNN or HLN. My favorite daily activity is watching the Casey Anthony trial.

My degree is actually in Criminal Justice and right after college I worked at my city's police department in the Juvenile division as a clerk. The unit dealt with missing person's, sexual and physical abuse of a child, neglect and domestic violence. I remember when the Casey Anthony story originally broke. It was so sad to think of a mother killing her child. I was also working the night the story broke that little Caylee's body was found. I remember all of us commenting that she was guilty

So now I am all wrapped up in the trial and am eager and anxious to see what the jury decides. I so wish I would have gone to law school!.

Personally if it was me I would convict her

And here is why...
1. If she was innocent why all the lie's? Why make up a nanny, a job, and accuse her father and brother of sexual assault if she was innocent. And what good do those allegations do anyway. There is no report of sexual abuse made to the police. NO physical evidence. It can't be proved. And even if they did sexually abuse her, does that make it ok for her to kill her daughter

2. What parent would wait a month before reporting her daughter missing. And during that month this same parent partied all the time, got a tattoo in remembrance of her daughter and spent time with her boyfriend, making no reference to Caylee or trying to find her supposedly missing daughter

3. I do not understand why Cindy is covering for her daughter.That boggles my mind. Even yesterday when the defense tried to make George Anthony look bad by commenting on how he wouldn't place his house up for bond money I had to laugh. My dad is a detective and from little on we were told if my brother and I ever ended up in jail we were not to call him. He would not get us out. And my dad would do anything for us. But the law is the law and he believes people should suffer the consequences of their actions.

4. The supposed mistress. She cracks me up. Regardless if they actually had an affair, Im not sure what that has to do with a murder trial. I understand the defense is trying to make George look less credible as a witness but come on. This woman is lying! My dad has been in law enforcement for 33 years. He is an awesome interrogator and has spent numerous time in court testifying. He always says you can spot a liar by those who shift their eyes, look all around the room and can't maintain eye contact. She def couldn't look at one spot for long. And her selling her story to the National Inquirer because they would tell the truth. Please!

5. There are just so many inconsistencies. I def don't feel the defense proved anything they claimed in their opening statement. So now we all have to wait and see what the jury decides. What do you all think. Are any of you as obsessed with this trial as I am?

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Week in Review and Camera suggestions

Sorry I've been MIA the past week. I've had family in town. Last Sunday my dad, brother and brother's girlfriend arrived in town. My dad brought everything down from the baby shower I had in Wisconsin. I was able to finish up all of lovebug's laundry and finally finished decorating the nursery.

The rest of the week was spent at the beach and enjoying time with my dad, brother and his gf. It's always hard having people in town to visit and having to please everyone. My dad is one of those guys that likes to do things a certain way. My brother and I are used to it but it still gets annoying at times. However what is it about family that they can annoy and irritate the crap out of you but when it's their time to leave I cry hysterically. At least they will be here in another month for lovebug's grand arrival

On Thursday we went down to a festival at Harborwalk in Destin. They had free fireworks and for those with kid's had many activities for them. WE enjoyed eating dinner and walking around the marina. While there we signed up for a two hour boat tour to go on on Saturday. The boat was called the Seablaster and I couldn't wait to go on it. The hubby was leery at first. Especially when my family nicknamed it the baby blaster. I made sure to check with the captain of the boat for any pregnancy restrictions but there were none. Hubs finally agreed to let me go and I'm so glad we did. WE did a sunset cruise and the hubs and my family enjoyed free beer and wine for the duration of the cruise. It was so much fun

ON the cruise we learned that parts of the movie Jaws was filmed here in Destin and the boat used in the first movie is still docked in the marina. WE also passed Garth Brook's house. It was huge. I would attach pictures but my camera decided to take a crap

While on the cruise I took a picture of the sunset. When I went to view the picture a message popped up saying card error. I tried taking another picture and my camera wouldn't even take a picture. I immediately became upset. ALl my pictures for the past three years were on this camera. The hubs bought me this camera in January of 09. We first really used it on our honeymoon and when we got home uploaded the pictures to my computer. For some reason the camera was set up to delete pictures off the card after being uploaded so we lost all of our honeymoon pictures. Luckily i had them on my computer but a few months later my computer died and we couldn't access the hardrive. So all of our honeymoon pictures were lost. So since then I only upload my pictures to facebook and never save them on the computer. My mistake. I have lost every picture that hubs and I have taken together. ALl three years of our marriage and memories gone. The hormonal pregnant girl in me tried so hard to not be hysterical. Hubs is trying to recover the pics but I don't know if that will work

So I now want a new camera. I refuse to use this camera again. Any suggestions. We said once baby girl arrived we would invest in a new camera, either a nikon or a canon. Hubs prefers Nikon's but I hear Canon's are awesome. My old digital camera is a canon and always worked great but now I want something more. One with interchangeable lenses and all that. So tell me what you think

Well I probably should get back to cleaning and catching up on laundry. Lots to do today!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sponsor Introduction- Julie the Fish

Hey Ladies! I am excited to introduce to you one of my favorite etsy sites and new blog sponsor's. I am so excited to share Julie's product's with you and truly appreciate her support on my blog!

I had seen some of Julie's product's previously on other blogs. She makes the cutest hand stamped necklaces that I have ever seen. As a necklace fanatic I was immediately drawn to her site! She does everything from necklace's and bracelets to rings and earrings.Julie also does custom order's so if you can't find something you are looking for she will def work with you to create the perfect item. She has so many things to chose from that I thought I would share some of my favorite item's with you!

This is by far my favorite! I can't wait to purchase one of these after Gianna is born. I am tempted to order one now but as we don't know her official birth date yet I thought I would wait

Click HERE to be taken to her site

I love this necklace. Perfect for engagement or a wedding present for a girlfriend. Or even one for yourself!

To check out this necklace click HERE
My favorite saying! Love it

As a beach girl at heart I love this necklace

Julie also makes dog tags! How cute is that

Check out this bracelet!

This ring is adorable!

To access her etsy site click HERE

Julie also has a facebook site. Click HERE to be taken to it

And be sure to stop by and check out her blog found HERE where she post's information about new item's and sale's
So be sure to check out her site! You are bound to find something you like. I think I have some more shopping to do!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Our First Home-Picture Overload

Now that we have officially closed on the house I thought I would share with you pictures of our new home. The hubs says this is borderline rude, he hates having people think we are stuck up or trying to brag. But since I am excited for our new home and since I use this blog as a way to share info with all of our family members and friends back in Wisconsin I decided to share pics with y'all!

All the before pic's have the previous owner's stuff in them since we looked at the house when it was still occupied

Front of the house-With our realtor walking to the door

Back yard-Though we don't have the swingset anymore
Front Hallway

Our Photo Wall

Kitchen Before

Kitchen After- We plan on redoing the cabinets in this room possibly within the next year. The counter tops have flex's of gray in them so we picked a wall color to bring out the counter tops. We then plan on putting in dark colored cabinets and matching the appliances since right now some are white and some are gray

Dining Room=with previous owner's stuff

Dining room after-We thought a den would be more practical for us right now. That way it can be the hubby's man room and later on the kid's play room

Nursery before-Again with the prior owner's things

Sneak peak of lovebug's nursery. Much better wall color

Guest Room before-This was their little boy's room

Guest Room after

Another view of the guest room- We still want to get a new comforter set for this room and blow up pictures of our favorite beach houses we took on vacations to put in the frames above the bed

Our Guest Bath

Living Room Before-Once again with the previous owner's things

The walls are a horrible peachy yellow. They needed to go as soon as possible

Much Better- Living Room After

We still need to add some finishing touches to this room decoration wise but it looks way better than it used to

Our Master Bath

Master Bed Before

Master Bed After

This is another room we are still planning on finishing up decoration wise once we get some new pictures and things

So there's a little tour of our house. Now that everything is finally painted and put away we can focus on adding those little touches that make a house a home. But kudo's to the hubby for doing all the painting in a few short weeks. He has worked so hard to make this a nice home for lovebug and I. This week I hope to finish the nursery so as soon as that is done I will post that for y'all to see

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Seriously Thursday!

It's that time of week again. Head on over to from Mrs to Mama and link up and share with everyone the things that made you say Seriously this week!

1. Seriously... After three long months we are officially homeowner's! The seller's kept changing the closing date which was highly ironic since we were paying them daily rent until closing. So on our original closing date we found out the day before they decided to go on vacation. Umm seriously, what a scam to make more money off us. Oh and did I mention they were upside down on their loan and was saved by a govt program that forgave them the difference from their loan and wiped the slate clean credit wise and also took care of all expenses they would have had to cover. Yup so the seller's made money off the govt and off us. The one thing they were supposed to cover was all repairs made to warranted items in the house. This they agreed to in the contract. These repairs all had to be made before the closing. Well these people refused to do that. So the hubs and I took care of all that, out of our own pocket since we didn't want the closing to take even longer. So yea these people got out scott free. Seriously! But at least this is finally over and we are homeowner's!

2. Seriously...I've been reading up and watching coverage on the Casey Anthony trial. Yesterday I saw that many believe the prosecution didn't prove their case and when the jury was polled many would find her not guilty. Seriously!

3. Seriously... I need a new camera. The hubs got me a nice one a few years ago but I want something I can do more with. I'm looking at either a canon or a nikon. You know the ones with the changeable lenses. I'm obsessed with pictures and my camera limits my options. Anyone know a good camera to get

4. Seriously... Whenever I go to the dr I get so nervous. I hate them! So of course my blood pressure is always slightly high at first. It's gotten better since I've gotten used to going to the dr more frequently since being pregnant. But on Monday when I have my 2nd appt here at my new dr's office he told me I was high risk. Seriously. At my old dr's office they said I would have no issues since I was not considered high risk but I guess here when they looked over my records and saw I had two higher readings they flagged me with chronic hypertension. Since my bp was fine that day the dr said he wasn't concerned and we didn't need to do anything about it until I got another high reading. Still now I'm freaking out. Im already anxious about labor and can't help imaging worst case scenarios! So now I"m just trying to take it easy

5.Seriously... I have even more of an excuse to watch reality tv. Nick Young, one of the contestants on So You Think You Can Dance is from my hometown. I even danced at his mom's dance academy for a few years and he also graduated from my high school. Granted he graduated 9 years after I did but hey it's cool watching someone you "know". Now when I turn it on the hubs can't ask me to turn it off hehe

6. Seriously...I need a pool. It is so hot here in Florida

7. Seriously... Never get a new driver's license picture taken when pregnant. I went and got my new florida license and my red, blotchy face and double chins are present in full force! I only hope my maternity pictures don't turn out as awful as my license pic

Alright I probably should get back to cleaning around the house. My dad, brother and his girlriend are coming into town this weekend for a visit!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Domestic Goddess in Me

Its official. I'm on my second day of being unemployed. Well technically I haven't worked since the end of April but the hubs has also been off with me so it felt more like vacation than my new reality. Now that he's back at work it's really sunk in. I'm unemployed!

I have worked since I was 14 years old. And the last few years after college I was in a career. It seems so strange to not be doing anything at all.

When we found out we would be moving I honestly couldn't wait to put in my notice. My job as a behavioral therapist was starting to wear on me and I was beyond burnt out emotionally and physically. Don't get me wrong I loved all the kiddos I worked with but the 10-12 hour days, constant driving around the state of NC and the office politics just got to me. And since I have been off I haven't missed the job at all. I had a fellow co worker call last week telling me she was jealous that I left, that things have gotten horrible.

Obviously I can't go into much detail but we feel that the company was turning away from their main priority, the kiddos and instead only focused on expanding. Kids programs weren't being written, kids were losing services, etc, etc. So I don't miss that at all. But again I do miss my kids. Theye been such a huge part of my life these last few years

When we became pregnant we weren't sure anyway if I would stay with my current job even if we stayed in NC. Everything I needed for work was at my own expense. Toys for clients, gas money, car repairs. I would put 600 miles on my car per week ad need to fill up 3x's. We just weren't sure how once a baby came in and we had to weigh childcare if everything would balance out. Especially with my crazy work hours.Then when we got our move dates I didn't think anyone would hire someone 8 months pregnant. And the nearest company specializing in what I did was over an hour away. So I would be facing the same issues as before. We also have to take in account that the hubs deploys frequently. So I need to find a job that's close to our home and flexible in hours.

I've been thinking about going back to school again but for what I'm not sure. I've also debated getting my real estate license. I would love to sell million dollar homes down here in destin! So we shall see what happens

Now though the hubs says my job is to relax at home before the baby comes. So yesterday morning I got up, packed him a lunch, made him coffee and kissed him goodbye. Then I cleaned the house, scrubbed the floors and did the laundry. There went my chores for the week.

Now today I'm catching up on the bachelorette from last night and debating what to do next. I know I should probably stay planted on the couch all day as I've now been considered as a possible high risk pregnancy due to my blood pressure. so I guess that's what Ill do. Maybe I'll even start reading one of my million books on labor I bought.

But ladies those who adjusted to being a stay at home wife or mommy. Did you find it hard at first? Do you regret it at all?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, June 10, 2011


Happy Friday Lovelies! I hope everyone is doing well. It's the last weekend the hubs and I have together before he officially goes back to work. Where has this past month gone!

Anyway I am here to share with you an awesome etsy find! Since the day I found out I was expecting a girl I have been addicted to etsy.I have spent hours on that site looking for the perfect headband to add to babygirl's collection and searching for other baby girl accessories.

Just recently I cam across the etsy shop Ellasbows! And I have been addicted ever since! The site was created by Robin, a mom to two young children and according to her etsy profile started making bow's when her daughter was born bald! She has now turned her hobby into a full time job and let me tell you her site is def worth checking out.

I have never seen such unique bows and headbands. I was in love and just ordered my first headband for lovebug off her site yesterday. Here is a picture of the headband I ordered.

Click HERE to go directly to her site. Headband's aren't the only items featured on her site. There are lace romper's, unique hat's, adorable baby bloomer's and much more. You will def find what you have been searching for on this site. I'm already excited to start planning Lovebug's newborn pics using some of the product's off her site!

What's even more exciting is that Robin has agreed to sponsor my blog! I am only interested in having sponsor's whose product's myself and my reader's will truly enjoy. So I am beyond thrilled to be sponsored by Ellasbows. I really enjoy sharing her product's and appreciate her support!

So to conclude I thought I'd share with you some of my favorite item's from this site.(All pictures came directly from her website)

For us milie spouses check out this awesome military inspired hat!

This hat also comes in different color's so for more product info click HERE

How adorable would this outfit be for newborn pics!

For product information click HERE

And don't worry those of you who have boy's. Bowties are available for you little one. Isn't this adorable

And my favorite of all is this outfit

To purchase or see sizing and color's available click HERE

Thanks so much Robin! And happy shopping everyone. The link to Elaasbows can also be easily accessed from my sidebar.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday Wish List

Since the hubs and I are now down to one income and are trying to save as much money as possible my shopping days are limited. But that doesn't keep me from shopping online! So I thought I'd create a post of all the things that are on my wish list. Even though it will be awhile, if at all before some of these items are purchased

The Timi and Leslie Charlie Diaper bag. Who wouldn't want a diaper bag that boosts clients such as Victoria Beckham and Jessica Alba

This sexy swimsuit from Victoria Secrets. I'm afraid till will have to wait until I'm bikini ready again and not 8 months pregnant

This waterfront home in Destin. Unfortunately unless we win the lottery sometime soon I forsee this house remaining on my wish list forever

A trip here... to the Cosmopolitian in Las Vegas. Long before I was married I dated a guy who moved to Vegas. Since we did the distance thing I went out to Vegas quite frequently. This hotel was just being built then and that was in 2004. Now it's finally up and open and it looks amazing! The first trip the hubs and I took together was to Vegas and we have been itching to go back. Hopefully sometime in the near future we will make it back there

I cannot wait to read this book. Melissa Rycroft was my all time favorite Bachelor contestant and celebrity on Dancing with the Stars. Her book comes out in August so I'll be impatiently waiting to read it

And this would be amazing

But this is probably more our style.

I would love a boat for this reason...

to go to crab island. It's this island at Fort Walton beach. Everyone docks their boats on this huge sandbar and has one big party. You can walk forever on this sandbar right in the middle of the ocean. They have drink boats and boats that sell food and one huge giant water slide you can slide down. We want a boat just to go here. Maybe someday we will find a good deal on a used pontoon!

And I think that's about it. Join in the fun and tell me what's on your wish list!